
joined 2 years ago
[–] Jozzo 6 points 2 weeks ago
[–] Jozzo 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This seems like it could be a little crazy, no?

[–] Jozzo 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

For music prod on Linux, have you tried Reaper?

[–] Jozzo 3 points 1 month ago

I've been having a blast playing Ash support with my whack-ass build here:

  • I use the augment Smoke Shadow to turn allies invisible & give a fat crit bonus to everyone
    • the crit bonus does NOT scale with strength, so I can get away with negative strength
    • the 15m range DOES scale with range, which is the main reason I build for range
    • the 8s duration DOES scale with duration
  • Replaced his 1 with Hydroid's helminth, which works well since we're modding for duration & range. I used to have silence instead, but that was boring! Tempest Barrage is a nice area CC & applies corrosive stacks to all enemies inside, shredding armour.
    • I also use the augment for this, Viral Tempest, which applies viral ON TOP of the corrosive.
      • This one DOES scale with strength, so my viral is not applied 100% of the time (39% with 40% strength). I use Growing Power to get that up to a more reasonable number, if I wanted to plug a forma into him I would slot Power Drift into exilus to boost it further as well (now that I bring this up, I'm formaing him as we speak lol).
    • The AOE corrosive + viral combined with his 4th's slash procs help us deal surprisingly good damage despite negative strength
  • Note I also use an under-levelled Narrow Minded so the range penalty isn't too high
[–] Jozzo 11 points 2 months ago
[–] Jozzo 4 points 2 months ago

The quest was really good! Im also loving the new mods & arcanes

[–] Jozzo 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)


Take your Arsenal up a notch with brand new Mods!

Stats shown at max rank.

Magnetic Might (Pistol)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+40% Critical Damage

Worthy Comradery (Aura)

Squad receives +75% Weak Point Critical Chance.

Summoner’s Wrath (Aura)

Squad receives +75% Companion and Summon Damage.

Spectral Serration (Rifle)

+330% Damage while Invisible.

Primary Acuity (Rifle)

+350% Weak Point Damage

+350% Weak Point Citrical Chance

Multishot cannot be modified

Pistol Acuity (Pistol)

+350% Weak Point Damage

+350% Weak Point Critical Chance

Multishot cannot be modified

Merciless Gunfight (Pistol)

+45% Critical Damage

+1.2 Punch Through

Magnetic Capacity (Rifle)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+40% Magazine Capacity

Magnetic Welt (Shotgun)

Impact Status Effects have 35% chance to apply a Magnetic Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)

Magnetic Strafe (Shotgun)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+40% Fire Rate

Magnetic Rush (Melee)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+20% Attack Speed

Magnetized Cycle (Archgun)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+30% Fire Rate

Magnetized Core (Archmelee)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+40% Critical Damage

Magnetic Claws (Beast Claws)

+60% Magnetic Damage

+40% Status Duration

Radon Claws (Beast Claws)

+60% Radiation Damage

+80% Critical Damage

[–] Jozzo 1 points 3 months ago

Good solution, cheers! I also followed the other commenter's idea to add it as a KDE shortcut so I can use it on demand.

I guess I'll just need to be careful not to paste a bazillion lines of text lol

[–] Jozzo 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Works awesome! Thanks for introducing me to xdotool, what a helpful utility. Question: what does the --file flag in your command do? I can't find it in the manpage


This is one of the features I miss on Windows (, I was wondering if there was an alternative to this for Linux?

Essentially instead of pasting all the text from your clipboard, it will type out the contents as though the letters were typed on the keyboard. One by one. This allowed me to "paste" into VMs and other places that I normally couldn't.

The ol' google gave me nothing but "How to paste into terminal" posts which is not what I want.

[–] Jozzo 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I had a similar problem, it was caused by undervoltage. Are you using the official power supply?

[–] Jozzo 1 points 4 months ago

Reporting back!

Reformatted with btrfs, steam now does this when I open the game (didn't before):

anddd it works! Can't believe this whole headache was just exfat all along lol!

Thank you for your help :D

[–] Jozzo 5 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Reporting back!

Reformatted with btrfs, steam now does this when I open the game (didn't before):

anddd it works! Can't believe this whole headache was just exfat all along lol!

Thank you for your help :D

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Jozzo to c/baldurs_gate_3

EDIT: The issue was caused by my SSD being formatted in exFAT, which doesn't support symlinks. I backed up my SSD & reformatted it to btrfs, and then I could install .NET without hassle & the game runs!

Original Post:

I'm having an issue running this game on linux, every time I click play in Steam I get the following popup:

"you must install .NET desktop runtime to run this application"

Clicking "yes" takes me to download a Windows .exe which of course can't run on linux. I manually installed the .NET runtime following linux instructions here: but the game still gives me this error.

Other things I've tried:

  • Reinstalling BG3
  • Completely deleting every file from steamapps/common for BG3 & reinstalling
  • Reinstalling Proton
  • Skipping the launcher
  • Tried with proton experimental, 9, 8, 7

My launch args are STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata gamemoderun %command% --skip-launcher

On protondb everybody else seems to be running the game fine, but I don't understand how to get past this error.


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Spacebar is a free, opensource selfhostable discord-compatible chat, voice and video platform.

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submitted 8 months ago by Jozzo to c/dnd

On June 29, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. Pacific Time, Roll20 learned that an administrative account was compromised. By 7:30 P.M. Pacific Time, we acted to ensure that all unauthorized access was blocked, and we began the process of investigating the incident to determine the scope.

Following our investigation, we learned that the unauthorized third-party had access to administrative tools, which may have resulted in the exposure of personal information, such as your: first and last name, email address, last known IP address, and the last 4 digits of your credit card (solely if you had a stored payment with us).

Notably, the compromised administrative tooling did not expose your password or your full payment information, such as your address or credit card number.

While we have no reason to believe that your personal information has been misused, we are notifying you out of an abundance of caution.

We take your privacy and security very seriously, and we deeply regret that this incident occurred. We will be implementing an action plan to further enhance the security of our administrative tools going forward.

If you have questions, or if you would like to view a copy of your account data that the third party may have had access to, please reach out to us at and create a support ticket with the subject line “Incident Data Request” and we will be happy to assist you.

Here are some resources containing good best practices for protecting your information online which we recommend:


For character abilities that have a certain trigger condition, eg. "OnAttack", "OnJump", "OnDamaged" etc..

Currently each of these triggers is a signal. When a signal fires, the character loops through all of its abilities and activates each one with that specific condition, so it just runs an if statement for every ability, regardless of whether it has that condition or not:

if ability.trigger_condition == Triggers.OnAttack:

My issue is that this could get a little unscalable with many characters on-screen each having many abilities of their own. A character could have 1 OnDamaged ability and 19 OnAttack abilities, but when an "OnDamaged" signal is received, it will still loop through all 19 OnAttack abilities.

Any advice on this is appreciated, thank you all.

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