Threshold. Thanks.
Are you saying "housing first" works or not?
Because just labeling something "housing first" without actually providing housing of course doesn't work and that may be what you're say. But a proper "housing first" DOES WORK to significantly improve people's lives and reduce their engagement with emergency services (ie, cops and hospitals), which is quality of life for the rest of us.
Here's a study from the Lancet (n=1103):
Yes, but sometimes the picket lines of other unions are "threats to health and safety". Sorry boss, I felt unsafe getting to the job site. Especially if you do it as a group, you have the right to concerted activity to protect your health and safety.
If I told an evangelical to "go rapture yourself", would that be a threat or incitement to self harm?
Oh, good. Now Last of Us won't be so scary.
Choosing to support the right wing guy, Hindenburg, that didn't really believe in democracy who in less than 2 years later appoints the guy who ends democracy is not a big stretch of cause and effect.
No, it's worth noting that it was lesser evil voting in a sense that got Hitler appointed. The Social Democrats blocked with the Conservative Hindenburg, who won. Hindenburg then appointed Hitler Chancellor.
One wonders what would have happened if the Social Democrats had blocked with the Communists in a left slate, or at least gotten concessions from the Conservatives.
Edit to add link to 1932 election.
Targeting a journalist, not opposition Hezbollah.
Largely ineffective rocket attacks. See these charts for what near daily rocket attacks and near daily snipers, police beatings, etc, do for relative casualties between Israeli and Palestinian peoples.
Yeah, it is infuriating that this history is being down voted. In fact, the secular Plastinian national movements (PLO and its constituent organizations) considered Plastinian Jews (ie, indigenous Jews living in the British Mandate prior to 1948) to be Palestinians.
From the unionized weed store down the block. They're open until midnight.