
joined 1 year ago
[–] Jondar 1 points 6 months ago

Yep! There are two types of oil wells, producers and injectors. Producers produce raw production fluids and gas. Those production fluids/gases need to go through a 3-phase separate vessel to separate the oil, water, and gas. The water and gas is sent back into the ground with the injection wells. The reason for this is to maintain the pressure of the reservoir underground, and to dispose of the fluids/gases.

Some amount of gas is flared (burned) off from the separation facility, and also from refineries. The purpose of the flare is for process safety. If there's an overpressure event, or an equipment shutdown, all the gas production from the field needs to go somewhere while the production wells are shutdown. For that time period, any gas is burned off to prevent a catastrophic failure in the facility.

The amount of gas being flared is monitored and regulated, and any flare event is recorded and reported to the appropriate agencies, generally the EPA, and Relevant state agencies.

[–] Jondar 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Natural gas comes out of the ground naturally, and isn't necessarily a by-product of gasoline refinement. I can't speak from experience on the refinery side of things, but I can speak from experience on the upstream production side of things. The natural gas we use for power generation, and heat at the facility I work at essentially comes straight out of the ground with minimal processing. Any excess is put back in the ground. That's specific to where I work. I imagine other places, the gas is separated out like we do and sent to "the market."

[–] Jondar 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I have a few things I've learned over the years.

You don't have to agree with something for it to be true. As everyone else has been saying in this thread, communication is key. There will come a time when your partner gives you some feedback that you don't agree with. That doesn't mean their feelings on the matter are untrue. They may be "wrong" but arguing over their interpretation of your actions isn't productive. Acknowledge their feelings, and accept the feedback for what it is, an attempt to communicate and problem solve.

Also, don't go to bed angry. You don't have to solve every argument before sleep, but at the very least, acknowledge the issue is unresolved, and it should be deferred to the following day. Staying up late arguing is counterproductive, and leads to a shit day the next day.

This one may be a touchy subject for some, but IMO, having some level of joint finances can really smooth out the operation. At a certain point, you are not two people, but a single entity. I have met many people who have no idea about their partner's finances. I've listened to co-workers complain about their bills getting paid and certain bills being "my bill" or "their bill". The power company doesn't care who pays the bill, it just needs to get paid. Having some weird power dynamic or line in the sand over money always leads to resentment, and just seems unnecessary. You're in it together, makes sense to act like it.

From very early in our relationship, my wife and I had a joint bank account, where we pooled money to pay all the monthly bills. Originally, we came to an arrangement where we each agreed to put X amount every month from our personal accounts to cover all the monthly expenses. Over time, we ultimately combined accounts, our income goes into the joint account, and bills are automatically taken out. As a family, X comes in and Y goes. It's not relevant who makes more or less.

[–] Jondar 3 points 9 months ago

Looks great!

[–] Jondar 2 points 10 months ago

I very much enjoy his game. Nice way to spend 30 minutes to an hour here and there.

[–] Jondar 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Get well soon buddy!

[–] Jondar 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

It would be interesting to see what the actual stats are for pedestrian deaths vs miles driven for non autonomous cars. I'm willing to bet autonomous cars will ultimately be safer, but it will take time to get to that point.

Edit: Apparently, according to the transportation safety in the US article on Wikipedia, the average is 1.25 pedestrians killed per 100 million miles driven.

[–] Jondar 2 points 10 months ago

I haven't done something like this in about 15 years, so the tech has come a long way. These days with the meshing routers and access points available, I'd imagine if you can find some access points that accept external antennas, then you could set up a couple access points with high gain directional antennas pointed at each other, and let the built in meshing handle the rest. It's been a long time for me, so I have no idea. At the end of the day, the only real constraint is budget. I'm sure for a couple grand, and looking into some enterprise grade solutions, you could find exactly what you're looking for. Doing it with consumer grade stuff might be more tricky...

[–] Jondar 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I recently saw a YouTube video where a guy built a pretty sweet deck using a used Framework 13 main board. Depending on your budget, and access to 3d printer, etc, that could be a great option.

[–] Jondar 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wasn't there a Black mirror episode about essentially this?

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