Find a place that doesn't feel like torture with a management team who isn't shitty. My first job in IT was for DXC, a massive MSP with 100k+ employees. I was applying for new jobs 3 months in because I saw it was unsustainable for me. Just before my 1 year I got an offer. I now work for a smaller ~250 person company with a management style that doesn't make me anxious or stressed. I also do woodworking as a hobby and built myself a desk, coffee bar and bench. I firmly believe that the right job can let you have your cake and eat it too. It's just a struggle and a job in itself to find the good cake in the first place.
83k?? I've been in IT for 2 years and I'm about making that much. Would more money help? Maybe job hop to a company that fits your vibe better?
Instructions unclear, I don't speak Swahili
Cool. On a related topic, I picked up a stray light orange cat on my first walk of 2025 and they turned out to be female! Won the cat lottery!
My parents and 4/5 siblings all live 1000 miles away. It's cold where they live and I can't stand the long winters.
... It's not that serious. Why is this a sticking point for you?
I work in the industry and the prices don't vary wildly in most western nations.
you can almost always opt back with a "Resume" keyword. More likely they are cycling numbers and or license keys so your "opt in" never lasts.
Aggregators and Carriers will block Voip numbers for "spam" but my theory is because the messages don't go over their standard A2P SMS routes they purposely block them to steer consumers towards their own products. The industry is trying very hard to kill voip texting.
This is bad advice and assumes the collection agency is not an absolute piece of shit. Often you can get very low settlements out of the scummy collectors but in my experience many of the debts they harass people over are paid off, settled or otherwise non collectible. "That's illegal" they really don't care and will try their hardest to convince you that you still owe them money until you pay or take legal action.
They need to make an open source SMS version that just spams the collector number.
Wasn't Trump concerned the WHO was China run? Cutting funding means China will have an even larger influence.