
joined 11 months ago
[–] JohnnySledge 5 points 3 days ago

I was just thinking the same thing when watching the last race. They sound much better than the other engines in my opinion.

[–] JohnnySledge 2 points 3 days ago

Thanks! I’ve come across many of Simos’ posts while getting up to speed on LXD. I had previously ended up settling on using the forgotten xdmcp to establish and manage the connections. My next go around will probably use a different approach that is more secure.

My use case for code-server is that I can then access the IDE from any computer allowing me greater flexibility of the device that I code on.

[–] JohnnySledge 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I use LXD (too lazy to move to Incus at the moment) for this exact purpose. It’s definitely nice having a greater degree of isolation between the various projects I’m working on — especially when working with confidential information from clients. Depending on what you’re looking to do there are simpler ways to manage isolation between projects like chroot and nspawn or Nix’s environments. Then again by using LXD/Incus you get that plus lots of other useful tools baked in.

Regarding not getting an IP address have you checked your base configuration to see if dhcp has been configured for the bridge? If that isn’t the issue then all I can think of is that you somehow deleted the interface and should check the container config.

That said the commands provided above are how I usually access the container command line. For coding I use code-server to put VS Code in a browser. I’m sure there are better options and look forward to the suggestions.

Keep going and learning!

[–] JohnnySledge 2 points 3 weeks ago

Providing more specific information about what isn’t working would help resolve the issue.

The flathub page lists some additional steps that need to be performed to allow virtual input. Did you do this?

[–] JohnnySledge 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would check system level logs to start like dmesg and syslog.

Someone else might have better tips of what to grep for in the logs. One thing you could do is try to ssh into the system when it’s locked up and check the logs to see what’s being reported during or immediately before the lockup.

Once you get a sense for what’s going on at a system level you can start to look in more specific logs.

[–] JohnnySledge 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Not to be that guy but have you checked the system logs when this happens?

[–] JohnnySledge 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Does this mean Andretti is actually happening? He must have more knowledge than most about the situation between F1 and Andretti…

[–] JohnnySledge 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Agreed. I bet this version is probably a prototype to see if they’re even remotely in the ballpark of containing spray. If it does work well then they can improve the form.

[–] JohnnySledge 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Does anyone else think that the scenes where RTX is on look over or under exposed depending on the lighting? I get that in real life details will be lost in a dark or bright room but this seems to be a bit extreme.

[–] JohnnySledge 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I thought McLaren had the record for this season at 1.8 seconds.

[–] JohnnySledge 6 points 6 months ago

Agreed. There is plenty of time between now and 2026 for corporate sentiment and priorities to change.

I do hope they’ll take this project seriously and that we get some real competition from them as a team.

[–] JohnnySledge 4 points 10 months ago

While it’s unfortunate that it came at the expense of Danny getting injured, I’m excited to see how Lawson does in qualifying and the race.

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