Absolutely stunning!
We can’t give them the upper hand! First they read then they lead.
Worst case scenario the momentum here will die out and it will remain for years to come as a nearly dead platform. I don’t think that’s likely though, people seem engaged in making this a success. Fingers crossed!
I’m jealous — enjoy! An absolutely breathtaking place.
I started watching with 11, but my favourite is 12. 7 and 3 come closely behind. And Big Finish 6. You know what? I love nearly all of them with a few exceptions.
Thank you! Nature did all the work lining it up for me, I was lucky enough to capture it!
I am doing my best to avoid lurking. It’s tricky though, I am so used to only commenting on things like once a month. Exhausting work I tell ya.
The PWA part is the thing I find the most astounding about this. I never could have imagined a PWA feeling so good.
The timing sure as hell worked out!