Icelander here. Our Alabama is Selfoss
I just finished a project on Friday and my new boss thanked me and complemented me in front of the company owner. I was so unused to it I thought he was mocking me.
I read somewhere that you can shove companions out of dialogue. I only tried it once but my scrawny warlock couldn't budge Karlach, so I can't confirm.
I met my old boss after he retired. He still had no idea what was going on.
Oh wow, I haven't seen a Mutts comic since I was a child
I always play a game of Stellaris every few months. The combination of roleplay and grand strategy massages my brain just right to make the happy chemicals.
He fucking what?
Gata is street in Icelandic, so this is Baldur's Street.
Wait, that's illegal
Reading that middle aged should be 36 is doing all kinds of stuff to my perception of time...
Yes, but most of them are least they're lifted for a practical reason.