This reminds me of when I wanted to go on my balcony and drink a coffee. So I made one and walked to my balcony coffee in hand to see a coffee on my window ledge. Facepalm. Then I walk outside and see a coffe on the window ledge outside aswell. No working memory.
Sowas von überfällig, luxussteuer aka höhere mehrwertsteuer auf luxusgüter wäre auch ein guter Beitrag
If I like a book from a library I buy it. Otherwise I pirate it online and read it to the point where I'm sure I like it
Naja im Verteidigungsfall brauchen wir auch gute Schienen. Vielleicht kann die Schiene (pun intendet) ja ziehen in Moment. .
I hate this trend so much. Is everyone on the internet supposed to be 8years old or something?
In german media there is so much content about america even I sometimes get confused whoch country I actually live in.
The sony wf series sound honestly amazing. Not very repairable though. That counts for every brand though.
Schwalbe at least takes old tires back to recycle them. I can hand mine in at my bike shop. Maybe other brands have something similar.
Jesus christ that is appaling. What stupid fucking vehicles.
Well berlin is certainly a different place than the rest of germany. They are famous for their "berliner schnauze" like new york or paris are famous for honest and/or rude people.
Sorry you get an F in reading comprehension. Or are you actually masterfully trolling by posting something deliberatlely offensive.