
joined 1 year ago
[–] Jeanschyso 12 points 8 months ago (1 children)

In Quebec, we have a saying that I would like to share with you. It comes from our love for complaining. We are completely addicted to complaining about everything. It's our third national sport after Hockey and curling.

"If you don't vote, you can't complain"

If you vote for a person and they don't do the promised thing, you can complain. You have an ~~excuse~~ reason.

If you vote for a person and someone else gets elected, you can complain that the person you voted for would have done a better job.

If you do NOT vote, you didn't do shit. You didn't do the strict minimum. You have no excuse to complain about any of it, because you did not participate in the decision.

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 8 months ago

Mine comes from the many Hydroelectric barrages we have here in Quebec, because we ended our use of coal and methane for generating electricity. 99% of our electricity is Hydro and the rest is wind/solar. I think maybe we have one methane plant somewhere but I don't know for sure.

The US have basically every climate on the planet at your disposal except the poles. You could create new interesting ways to generate electricity cleanly, but your government doesn't. It baffles the mind.

And then even with coal and methane, burning it at the station in troves is still less damaging than burning gasoline or diesel in individual vehicles because of the tiny bit of carbon the stations that are well run manage to capture (It ain't much, but it's more than an F150 that's for sure)

I agree that cars should become a niche thing, not used by everyone to get everywhere. That's completely unsustainable, but it'll take at least 20 years of good governance for the US to be connected in a meaningful way by fast, frequent, convenient public transportation. Until then, the people who are stuck unable to move closer to work for various reasons will still need to drive, and EV are a good option for more than 80% of them.

[–] Jeanschyso 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I would just remove one word from everyone you wrote. "Unprecedented"

Look up how much time it took to build the initial interstates. Same shit in Canada and the Trans-canada highway. It didn't take centuries to build, it won't take centuries to fix either.

[–] Jeanschyso 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Basically the out of a simple pull of the trigger is too easy. Easier than jumping off a bridge, relatively painless, quick and doesn't injure bypassers.

Having the gun is too easy an out, so people with suicidal thoughts will stay away from them. I was like that too at 22. Here's just one of many stories. Trigger warning for suicide (duh)

If Quebec, Canada had the same access to handguns as the US, I would be dead today. Simple as that. Instead, I failed an attempt to jump from a viaduc because I was scared of causing a collision and taking someone else with me, was sent to the hospital by the police, got a psychiatrit's help. Turns out I wasn't a lazy worthless piece of shit. I had an untreated, very powerful case of ADHD blocking me from accomplishing anything of value.

I am no longer suicidal. I've overcome that. However, I always worry that those feelings will one day come back after a series of bad decisions. I am, therefore, keeping things that would kill me in an instant without pain away from myself. You just never know when you'll have a moment of weakness. If I thought to off myself once, I can think of it again.

[–] Jeanschyso 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't think Poilievre is about to round up people and send them to camps. He's only out for the money.

[–] Jeanschyso 4 points 8 months ago

It's "the news".

[–] Jeanschyso 7 points 8 months ago

They have lots of time and motivation, as well as zero shits to give about getting caught. It's Actually a pretty good thing that kids are trying to bypass security because it naturally teaches them problem solving in a novel way

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 9 months ago

It's potential. Matter can go there. Saying there is an end to the universe means that at some point, there is no possible expansion. It also means we are completely ignoring the tiniest infinitly small chance that our big bang wasn't the only one. If you zoom out far enough, is there really zero chance that this "known universe" is actually just part of a greater whole?

imagining the universe as a contained thing with hard limits is what gives me the creep

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 9 months ago

I feel like I could talk about this for years, but I got video games to play. The short answer is I don't feel like I have to know what caused the matter to all be at the same place and then expand to be satisfied with an infinite universe of finite matter. I wish my brain could understand how time as we know it started with the big Bang, but I think I'm slightly too dumb for that.

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Because the universe is expanding. If it were finite it wouldn't be able to expand. Emptiness is still "something". If we were "at the edge of the universe", we could still go further from the center, there would just be nothing for as far as we can perceive, maybe even infinitely, but then, we would be there. That makes it "a place".

[–] Jeanschyso 4 points 9 months ago (7 children)

"The cosmos is not infinite, has a beginning and an end"

The fact that everyone around me seems to be persuaded that there is a beginning in time is unnerving to me. In my head, cosmos has always been infinite, and will always be infinite. Even if nothing is there, it will still exist.

The idea that anything before the big bang is considered to not exist has so many things wrong with it that I struggle to internalize it. If matter cannot be made or destroyed, that means that there will always be matter in one form or another.

[–] Jeanschyso 16 points 9 months ago

The example of buying water in cans and protein bars are like... Ok, the money we spend on those was spent on wine and chips by my parents. Habits haven't changed. Prices have.

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