Well there are mechanisms that should keep Nazis in check. Unfortunately these positions in the police and secret service are full of Nazis :). We'll see
Tankies are not communists
We had a lot of berry bushes at the side of the road in my hometown. Trees were often apple or Japanese cherry blossom trees. And of course the local chestnut tree made up a lot of them. Wich are also delicious. All of them bore fruit and nuts and we loved picking the stuf.
Fuck you trying to separate the left. That's what happened last time and that's what didn't work last time.
What stoped the kpd? Or the groups that wanted to rebuild the NSDAP? Would you rather have them pull the strings instead? I mean yea a ban could be dangerous, but letting them take over the justice system, the finances and police of Germany seems like a horrible second option.
I used to live in an area that was one of the biggest targets for bombers in Germany during WW2. I remember every few months there was a bomb alarm. We had to leave the house for a few hours while it was being defused. No bomb ever blew up luckily and it just became routine.
Ignoring that four of the five biggest economies have thousands of years of history being a powerful country
I used to live in an industrial city with one of the biggest inland ports in the world. The rivers are a pretty popular hangout spot. People get some portable grills and chairs and just watch the ships go by. I feel like they are a bit less interesting then old ships tho.
What's your favourite anti-vegan argument? I love the "oh do you want to tell lions to stop eating zebras now too? We are natural carnivores. Look at our teeth" type people.
What do you mean you don't like that snakes bite people. That's what they do.
I love libre wolf but can't get it to run on arch. So Firefox it is