It's a double boss fight with Adam Smith and John Locke
No the best move is always for the queen's to look at the number of their space and then to double that number and move to the corresponding position. This way you can fill the board with another infinite queens.
someone makes an argument: pick the most extreme adgecase imaginable where rule doesn't apply while not addressing the problem at all 😎😎😎
The life expectancy of nigeria is 55. That's 20 less than the world's average (and apparently north korea?). I should have said developed country, sure. But the point stands. Murdering is not funny. The USA is one of the richest and most developed nations in the world, but is 57th in homicide rate (right behind zimbabwe to give some perspective)
No but death is always tragic. It's almost impossible to deserve death. You can defend yourself, but mocking someone you just killed is psychopath behaviour. Things like this don't happen in other countries.
So did I. What's wrong. And I don't know why I wrote like that. There is noone I would ever talk to this way.
The comment was clearly not about how bad of a person McGregor is.
They get paid more because they know everything there is to know about agricultural law or some shit and you know how to screen share.
"ja in der Natur ist das ja auch so, oder willst du dem Löwen jetzt verbieten das Zebra zu essen?!?!?"
These are probably the least safe foods for me. I can feel the oil just looking at the picture. Sometimes it's hard for me to have a hot plate of food in front of me because of the fumes. Knowing that the smell and the oil are clinging to me.