Richtig. Aber weniger schlecht als alle anderen Parteien. Obwohl ich sagen muss das in meiner Kommune alle demokratischen Parteien relativ harmonisch zusammen gearbeitet haben. Am Ende hat man als Mitglied immer noch mehr möglichkeiten als als einfacher Demo Besucher.
Ich muss vielleicht noch Kontext geben. Ich bin in einer absoluten Arbeitergegend eingetreten. Die Kommunalpolitik hat mir mega spaß gemacht und es wurden tatsächlich Dinge unternommen um die Bewohner der Stadt zu unterstützen. Jetzt bin ich leider zum Studium umgezogen und merke direkt wie anders die politische Landschaft hier ist. Mal sehen wo das ganze hinführt.
Weil man als Parteimitglied Einfluss hat und die Partei wieder zum positiven ändern kann. Aus Hoffnung das konventionelle politische Mittel noch helfen
Ne, meine Partei ist scheiße. Nur besser als CDU oder FDP
Why doesn't he call the avangers is he stupid?
That's all correct and I agree with you on these points. What I'm trying to say is that this change is (I think, not 100% sure because I wasn't in the room of course) made to combat "imported antisemitism" wich is a different "issue" from the Israel situation entirely. There would not have to be a recognition to the right to exist for Palestine because they are not receiving the type of discrimination by imigrants the Jewish community does.
I don't care about freedom of science and education because I'm dumb as shit
Pledging loyalty to Israel and recognizing that Israel has a right to exist sound like very different things to me. Don't get me wrong this change is dangerous but not for the reasons you think. It shows how AFD managed to push right wing ideas into the mainstream.
A Stop the genocide in Gaza graffiti was sprayed onto my university a few days ago (Germany I should mention). Uni tried to cover it up but it's currently on display at the busiest part of the campus and I predict it will stay there for a while
The past few years I've desperately tried to not sound as German. Now I have a weird Britishish accent and I'm kind of sad I don't sound German anymore. But then again I work with Luxemburgish people (and other internationals so we often speak english) sound more German than Germans and it can be hard to keep a straight face at times.
The train ride actually reassured me that moving far away was the right choice. Where I live now the trains are on point and you see beatiful landscapes instead of coal reactors and warehouses while riding them.
And also fucking 16 wheelers. Romans did not drive 80 ton (made up number. I don't know how heavy big trucks are. But I'm Shure they are lighter than ancient wagons. To be honest I just hate cars and I want to use a scientific discussion to push my personal political view.) vehicles.