
joined 2 years ago
[–] Jabozar 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thank you for elaborating. How'd the playtesting go? Also, you referred to a specific XP To Lvl 3 video, would you be ok with sharing the link, pretty please?

[–] Jabozar 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Interesting concept, but I just need to ask for some clarification before I can consider using it for my players. Are the Exhaustion points you use disconnected from the condition Exhaustion, where you get various negative effects until death at the 6th point? If I read the last line correctly, you get 10 points and you die? If they're not regular points of exhaustion, a player can just use an action to heal themselves with a potion or spell, remove themselves from combat. Then they just need a short and long rest and they're good to go. I think this might make them too powerful in the long run. If you use regular points of Exhaustion, you suddenly raise the stakes, while still keeping the player's ability to move half movement and talk. Otherwise you're indtroducing another value to keep track of that might raise more questions than solve problems. Can they be removed with a powerful enough healing spell/potion?

Keep the system, but use regular points of Exhaustion instead. You get one action that'll really mess you up, where you are able to heal yourself, but you suffer the consequences of it after. Now that seems exciting. Just my two cents.

[–] Jabozar 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

However, I'm hoping people are treating you nice, though!

[–] Jabozar 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)
[–] Jabozar 4 points 1 year ago

Lurker here, wanted to chime in to say yeah, all the time. Everything's usually been said or will be said, so why bother. And arguing with strangers online rarely amounts to anything constructive. It seems a lot of people just aren't open to change or have their opinion/biases changed or challenged, though I'm hoping I'm wrong!

[–] Jabozar 5 points 1 year ago

Ja for helvede! Har selv en Valve Index, jeg har haft det skide sjovt med Thrill of the Fight (VR boksespil) og Beatsaber. Det har også været ret underholdende at klare diverse escape rooms i VRChat, men det kan anbefales at lave det i et lukket rum med en kammerat for at sikre kvaliteten af oplevelsen ikke forringes. Half-Life Alyx var klart den fedeste VR oplevelse jeg har haft. 10/10. God fornøjelse!

[–] Jabozar 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fuldstændigt enig. Jeg vil bare gerne finde en arbejdsplads der ikke har en vagttelefonen, så skal resten nok gå. Når jeg har fri vil jeg fandme have fri. Hvilket fag har du skiftet til, hvis jeg må spørge? Noget du kan anbefale?

[–] Jabozar 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Heldigvis ingenting. Jeg skulle have haft vagten i det IT firma jeg arbejder i, men det er heldigvis taget af en anden. Når vores kontor er lukket, så er der én der har vagttelefonen resten af døgnets 16 timer, fredag til fredag, inkl. alle timerne i weekenden. Og hvad får man så af kompensation for disse 130 timers drop-alt-når-telefonen-ringer (eller hvis vi får en alarm på at en server eller service går ned)? Jo, hele 1.500,- DKK. Intet mere, uanset hvor mange vågne timer du har om natten. Ingen afspadsering. Nada. Jeg fucking glæder mig til at jeg er færdig her og kan finde et nyt sted. Så når det er sagt, så skal jeg bare koble hjernen fra med en god pind og Baldur's Gate 3. Måske kommer en kammerat forbi og vil fortælle mig hvorfor hans skizofrene kæreste tror at jeg er ondskabsfuld, hader hende og isolerer hende efter hendes mor døde tidligere i år. Han er cool, hun er langt ude og skide.

Hvad med jer?

[–] Jabozar 1 points 1 year ago

I would just like to thank all the kind souls that helped recap the situation. It is very appreciated.

[–] Jabozar 8 points 2 years ago (36 children)

Sorry, I'm out of the loop on this one. Would anyone mind elaborating on what happened exactly? Thank you for your time!

[–] Jabozar 5 points 2 years ago

I was in an volatile business before COVID. Then I was laid off due to no work and I was just fed up. Now I'm trying to get work in IT instead and the paycheck difference hurts my wallet and plans to buy a house. Hopefully it'll be more stable and hopefully the pay will end up being better in the long run.


Genuinely hoping Lemmy will take off. Got any sublemmy recommendations as I'm rebuilding my profile? The funnier the better!

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