
joined 1 year ago
[–] JTode 1 points 1 year ago

I assume you support the current and recent direction of Israeli politics; as you look into the future, how do you see this playing out, as the USA empire continues to fade in power? When does some sort of social equilibrium return to the region, and what has happened before it does?

But I'm also confused by a few of your statements.

" in a democratic state, the world will decide "

In a democratic state, the citizens of that state decide things. And again, you seem to be a democratic state at the moment. The world will have opinions - and boy, does the world have opinions about Israel right now. The christian right has traditionally used you as a weird combination tolerance prop/prophecy tool but lately their nazi side is just bursting forward so they're falling back on the old bigotries and frankly, I doubt the USA is gonna have your back much longer no matter who gets in on what timeline.

"The gaza strip [voted] for Hamas[.] Perhaps they were not true democratic elections"

Perhaps yours aren't either. Perhaps ours aren't. Who's to say? Well, other than international rights organizations whose job is to investigate that sort of thing. I wonder what they've got to say about you guys. But them voting Hamas doesn't seem any different than you voting Netanyahu, from my perspective. You've both settled into a pattern of trenchant mutual vendetta at this point and that's a real bastard of a situation to get out of. Not that you seem particularly interested in getting out of it.

My country's genocide record is already rich and deep so none of what I'm saying is coming from a place of feeling superior; white euros like myself are a pretty nasty bunch. Just because we've got some distance from it doesn't mean the world doesn't remember, or see it clearly for what it is, from outside the bunker of war and propaganda.

They'll remember you too.

[–] JTode 10 points 1 year ago

I must be the fortieth to advise you to install Linux.

[–] JTode 1 points 1 year ago

Fuck around and find out.

[–] JTode -4 points 1 year ago

Fuck this fuck with fucks

[–] JTode 3 points 1 year ago

This is reach Kim levels.

[–] JTode 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


It seems to me that there ought to be some sort of middle ground for cases like this, even in the context of the power struggle. Perhaps they could quickly amend the law so that new agencies have the option to release Meta from paying for specific links, such as links about wildfires.

I'm assuming, of course, that the news agencies are smart enough to not paywall anything emergency or wildfire-related. I shouldn't make such assumptions.

edit: I'm Team Trudeau, for the record, on this issue. I think anything that separates Meta from the news is a good thing, period.

[–] JTode 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't actually understand the extent of this whole block thing. I know all about the history of it but not the current form of this thing.

Does facebook basically just block anyone from posting links to any Canadian news sources on their site? What does it say to the user when they try?

[–] JTode 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I am Canadian, which means American Lite, and I currently work for a global company based in France, so lots of French people. The casual racism is often astounding and at levels that would get you seriously hurt in certain places on this continent. It's not hate-based at all that I can see, just ignorance of what exactly is going on on the other side of the world is my assumption.

[–] JTode 3 points 1 year ago

They are frequently up to no good. It's like boys having a sleepover, more or less, they run and play, get into fights over toys, etc. Marlo is actually very possessive of pretty much everything. Bo is very cuddly and likes his pats, and here's what happens ten seconds after Marlo sees Bo getting attention.

[–] JTode 2 points 1 year ago

I suppose I do complain when I have to use Windows lol

I hear you, and I have nothing against good graphical tools, for the record. Sometimes it is the quickest way when you're already working in a gui context, which let's face it, is most of the time, unless you run servers.

Which is the one case where I would double down on pushing you towards the terminal: Are you learning about Linux for the sheer joy of it and to be on the future-facing edge of things, OR are you hoping to improve your career situation? Brief self-bio: I am a lifelong geek, but in 2014 I was a trucker with a CCNA and a lot of aches. In 2015 I became a sysadmin for an animation studio based on that and my knowing Linux, but I didn't do linux servers, I did FreeBSD servers, which at the terminal level is similar enough that I could handle it, because I focused on console skills when teaching myself more than getting my gui right. But I was intentionally seeking to make more money and stop torturing my body every day while surrounded by fucking klansmen. If you're thinking about job at all, then I double down on the "stick to the console and get better at it," because that will make you the wizard at your eventual job, surrounded by people enslaved to the gui. (puffs on a bit of the finest Southfarthing, which he frequently wafted an odor of at his coworkers after coffee break. People do not meddle in the affairs of effective wizards.)

That being said, you're actually touching on the main reason we don't have wider adoption (not wide, that is questionable if it will ever happen, but we'll see how thoroughly capitalism implodes over the next few years, who knows) - in a nutshell, there seems to be very little active intention, and quite a lot of active resistance, to the idea of a Linux Desktop that "just works" for your grandma, as they say. I guess Red Hat was trying to be the Linux version of a Windows Server, but pretty soon they're not gonna be much of anything if you ask me... anyways, I consider myself a native these days and let me say, Linux geeks are a bunch of fucking ASSHOLES. I try to be one of the ones who isn't, but even I succumb to the urge to snark at lazy thinkers sometimes, which is not what is happening here and now for the record, I'm having a pretty good week and I'm hoping this all helps in some way. But I want to acknowledge the toxicity of this culture.

One might argue that Plasma or Gnome or Mint or whatever does a great job of crafting a smooth and easy UX. And that is true - I quite like the Gnome vibe overall. But let's face it, Gnome's bundled gui tools are indeed mostly second rate, and the devs have a bottomless well of cultural support for responding to complaints like yours with "learn the terminal then noob lol". You also, of course, have the option to install the text editor or file manager of your choice, but then you run the risk of needing a whole bunch of extra dependencies and there goes your responsive desktop.

I don't hold out a lot of hope for this culture changing until the general culture in tech changes, and that won't change until the general culture of our economic priorities changes. Let's see how far this implosion goes. It's a very slow moving one.

Becoming a developer was a bit like walking into some pastoral fantasyland where everyone is extremely nice and endlessly seek to support and help you as you learn to milk the cows and such. I have experienced the extremes of workplace culture now and I never want to leave this role. If you are dissatisfied with what you do and are willing to work your ass off for a few years becoming good at things that not many people have worked their ass off to become good at, you can definitely make your life better, and I don't just mean by having more money. I would do this job for my old trucker wage rather than leave the job. Don't tell my boss.

[–] JTode 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I kinda said that too actually, just maybe in a little more of a supportive, you-got-this way. You came to Linux because you wanted something different, and while the Linux desktop does continue to improve overall, what you did is always where the action will be for operations like the one you did.

It's not that it's the easiest way, full stop - it's the easiest way to do very complex and powerful operations on the fly, very quickly. If you lean into it for a while it does actually get easy, even.

[–] JTode 16 points 1 year ago

Entirely possible I might have been that guy except it happened at a music festival in Manitoba not Paris and I ain't French lol

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