I'm confused. Every Israel apologist I have ever debated with in my middle-aged life has claimed that Israel is already a true democracy. I even went and read the constitution, and I mean, this was like twenty-five years ago now, but it sure seemed like the constitution of a democratic state, such as they exist in the world this epoch.
My confusion is both a feign and genuine. I'm a white Canadian, and have been informed that I therefore do not and cannot understand. I still try to understand what is happening when I see people being turned out of their homes, and I see that a lot, and they're rarely Jews, in that part of the world, these days.
The best explanation of things that I have ever heard was on some documentary or news report or other, and I don't even remember if it was an Arab or a Jew speaking, but basically my paraphrase of what the guy said was, "Jews and Christians and Muslims have lived in this region in peace for centuries. The problems started when all these Europeans started pouring in."
Now when a fellow Canadian tells me that "all the problems started when all the ________s showed up," I generally look out of my Caucasian eyes into their usually-Caucasian eyes and tell them that they're a big 'ol racist shithead. But when the _______s are my fellow whities, I tend to believe it. I am myself a White European, I might have mentioned that, mostly Scottish in fact, and what am I doing here on the banks of Lake Winnipeg anyways?
Well, as it turns out, us White Europeans, we fucking LOVE going to other places in the world and declaring them ours. And while we will splinter off into many Ethnic factions when left to our own devices, if there's brown people around, we always tend to glom onto those who look more like us.
Israel looks exactly like South Africa in the 70s to me. They had elections, right?