I would LOVE to get one of those. I make a lot of custom rack mount panels for audio and video carts for film/television production and there have been too many times where I thought of some special part that could open up a whole world of entirely new build options for me but that thing/part just doesn't exist. One day I'll have one to play with... it's high up there on the list.
1d6+2 bludgeoning damage 1d6 earth damage +2 charisma
Social anxiety is a bitch but a little bit of booze washes that little crippling demon away.
I'll go to the hardware and grocery stores to gather supplies if I plan on day drinking. 10 out of 10 times my workshop and kitchen will be full of activities for the rest of the day.
Ah, a classic. All throughout my 20s, I put myself into this same pitiful loop as well. I cringe thinking about my behavior and relationship with alcohol during those days.
Me too brother. I don't realize I'm doing it until she pauses whatever we are watching and say, "look, I can listen to you or I can listen to the TV. I cant do both." The guilt sets in and I, for the 6th time in the last hour, apologize for being a little chatter box... until something happens that I once again i must proclaim aloud to my wife who knew full well my apologies and self awareness dont mean shit in times like.
Oh man. I love to be tinkering in my workshop on whatever project I got going, listening to music, singing to myself and hitting some fresh ganja. THEN, and the wife's favorite part... I get to cooking a kickass dinner. I only like to drink a light beer and starting in the afternoon. By 5pm, I'm 4-6 deep, big time stoned and chef Emerald is in the house baby! I stick to water after that because if I go to bed all drinky, I'll feel like shit the following day. I dont like listening to other drunks or their shitty ass music when I'm feeling the vibe so i almost exclusively drink when I'm having me time/alone, able to tune my system up/wife not home yet and its sunny outside. That is a perfect day for me. It doesn't happen often but when it does... man I really enjoy it.
I used to have a major problem with alcohol in my 20's and it caused me untold damage. I quit partying for a good number of years to get my shit together and regroup. Now, I can actually enjoy it without going way overboard and making choices and actions that severely negatively impact my existance, it's an entirely different thing for me now. Moderation and a little bit of discipline did me a world of good.
I may never get another chance to share this with the world, so may I present to you...
I found a kickass stick 4 years ago in the Smokies the weekend my wife and I got married. It's literally the perfect stick. Straight, smooth, nice thickness, durable as hell. Must be of a rare hardwood variety, I would imagine. I still have that stick in the corner and I see it everyday when I'm sitting at my PC. Have I ever used it for anything? I wouldn't dare. It's too nice of a stick to just use on a whim. Why do I keep it around? Well, if I ever had a problem that required a really nice fuckin stick, I'm covered. Every year or so, my wife says to me, "JPSound, you still have that stick?! Why do you keep that thing around?" I look that woman dead in the eyes and say, "there will come a day, my bride, when the creator of all shall lay before us an obstacle, nay, a challenge that only a mighty stick of such grandeur may aid us in such a lofty trial. And this stick, my dearest, this stick awaits our call to guide us into the sunkissed valley of victory so sweet. Only then shall you see what I see. Know what I know now, that this mear stick, is far more than it seems. Then you will know, I am the mighty protector of this home and family. You will see, my love. You will see." Then she usually just rolls her eyes and says, "whatever... I gotta run to the grocery store. Do you need anything special?" And I respond with a mighty boom, "yeah, that fancy chocolate milk I like, please."
Theres 5 strings between the guitar and bass and it's still a masterpiece. So much sound for such a minimalist approach to their instruments. Kitty is a supreme banger.