
joined 1 year ago

Currently, reading Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation.

Has anyone else read this? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I just finished book III.

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

tandem, is another

[–] JDBowden 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Can think of it this way: When someone learns a language for the first time, they are also learning about their own language and how it is constructed. So, in reality, you are learning TWO languages at once; which can suck! But it is worth it in the long run by far.

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

Love the quote. I must say that I at first questioned the availability of the cucumber in ancient Rome; so I looked it up. Found this interesting read on the history of such a random food item, LOL had to share. Not sorry:


[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

Anger is temporary madness.

[–] JDBowden 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Good! Bring the language into the household... What are you "struggling" with right now? I am a language professor BTW. Math and numbers were never my thing; hah.

[–] JDBowden 2 points 1 year ago

I have been pulling random quotes from random pages. Although someone pointed out that one was incorrectly quoted, but the concept stood; lol.

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

The things we worry about are normally the things that least matter; even though we build it up in our head. I have always been a rip-the-bandaid-off-quickly kind of person. Just get it done and over with asap.

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

Great story thanks for sharing. It is amazing how the little changes can have the biggest effects on us and our wellbeing.

[–] JDBowden 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Your GF is your best go-to resource over any application. Practice practice practice make mistakes with her who cares! It is the only way to learn. Spain will be awesome for you. I hope you enjoy it.

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago

Hate it when the internet lies to me! Thanks for catching that; my mistake!

BTW love the Enchirideon. Read so many times my copy looks like a used napkin at this point.

[–] JDBowden 2 points 1 year ago

Do as much as you can, when you can, where you can. However, to be fluent one needs to speak. I know, it sucks, but it is the necessary evil here. You can try a few applications like: Tandem; Conversation Exchange. These places you can find people/groups and chit-chat. It helped me. BUT, my tool was the immersion method, as I live in South America.

-Fluent in Spanish as an English native, living in Chile. Please, feel free to ask me anything!

[–] JDBowden 1 points 1 year ago
submitted 1 year ago by JDBowden to c/spanish

For those who are on their journey of learning Spanish, what lesson/material are you currently working with?

También, hay personas acá que puede manejar el español o solo estudiantes?


There are, how many, different additional degrees? Dozens, hundreds? It gets mind-numbing. Should Masonry focus on just a few (just Blue lodge), or keep it fractured?

Blue lodge, Royal Arch, Commandery, Knights Masons, etc etc

I fell down the rabbit hole years ago joining IDK how many different bodies until it just became ridiculous.


We seem to have some talented brewers here in the forum. Would be nice to see some final results from the community members in this forum! Perhaps it can also inspire some people who are curious about the hobby.

I can start: here is a sparkling mead along with my labeled bottles.


Opinion: Who is the most underrated/under read Philosopher?

I will start... I find Aesop and the Fables to be underrated and wrongly pointed at simply for children. These stories can and must be applied to adult life to live a better and more virtuous life. IMO.

(Yes, I am aware that some think Aesop was potentially not one person, but many, and some question he even existed... like Homer).

Would love to hear what you all think.


Hola! Alguien tiene fotos de la cordillera con la nieve gracias a las lluvias en los últimos dias? Yo había intentado pero son terribles jaja.

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