
joined 1 year ago
[–] Itdidnttrickledown 0 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Not homophobia. Just a observation that people who are extremely vocal and violent against the gay are usually in the closet. See j edgar hoover.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 2 points 1 month ago

Its true scotus doesn't want guns in their presence.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 1 points 1 month ago

So good of an idea that the stupid 30% of this country will hate it.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Today about thirty percent of them are are too stupid to admit its their fault.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 16 points 1 month ago

The hardest part of watching brexit was knowing how many people there knew it was a terrible idea. The knowing that you could see how stupid it was and could do nothing to convince the stupids in there to realize they are too stupid to make up their own minds. With this trash internet that has infected our society we are at the mercy of the stupids. The stupids let themselves be lead around like sheep while calling everyone else sheep.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 4 points 1 month ago

He thinking about why he isn't king just like the rest of them. Increasingly we are wondering the same thing. Why is he not like almost almost all past kings. In the past.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 4 points 1 month ago

Sounds like one fix for all type maga thinking.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 24 points 1 month ago (6 children)

I used to be baptist. Hello fellow abuse victim.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Most of us for sure. The southern way of making tea is to boil water with the tea bags in it until you have a black concentrated bitter concoction. Next you mix it with four to five times the amount of water and add enough sugar to trigger a diabetic coma. Then you put it in the fridge and serve it over ice. I can't have it anymore and stay alive. I've grown used to making my tea in the British shall I say worldwide way. After having tea this way for a over a decade I can't stand the smell of sweet tea. I do make a large batch of unsweetened tea to drink over ice in the summer. I have to use four to five times as much tea with less water added. I do not over boil the water to make it palatable to me.

The few times others have drank it they have commented on how its not bitter. I don't think very many us realize good tea is not bitter.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 11 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I was just talking about my first and second grade years today. It was 1977/78. Both teachers those two grades tied my left hand down and forced me to try to learn to write with my right hand. What it did was make my handwriting absolutely terrible. This was due to the fact that in the third grade they didn't teach you that anymore and I never had any practice at it. My parents didn't care it happened since my dad was convinced a left handed man just couldn't match a right handed mans abilities. It was because the school nearly got sued by another students parents that they finally ended that bit of abuse. This is the southern US by the way. The place that is permanently out of step with decency.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 1 points 1 month ago

The internet is serious business. Its so easy to press someones button. Can you imagine some dramatic actor from that time in that place though? Sean Penn for example.

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