Had a mental health crisis and ended up in the hospital mental health ward. Got my diagnosis while I was in there.
I started getting into gardening and trying to understand what being autistic means for me. Both good for the mental health and I dropped some weight 👍
Cheers. I probably should check out the chat room. I've always tended to be a lurker but am trying to make more of an effort.
wait patiently for you to make the fucking point i understood you were trying to make 8 sentences ago,
This is so very frustrating. Especially when they feel the need to re-explain/restate the point multiple times, as if I didn't explicitly state that I understood the first time.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely check out "Crucial Conversations". That sounds like it could be helpful.
I've read some of “How to win Friends and Influence People” at the library but none of it made sense to me. It all just seemed so bizarre and it's understanding that sort of bizarre behavior I'm trying to do. So far I've dismissed a lot of NT behavior by thinking of it as base, instinctual behavior - like animals with mating dances and songs - and that has been fitting for the most part but is probably dismissive/reductive and I feel I should do more to understand. I've touched on philosophy but so much of that is concerned with religion or the questioning of some sort of 'divine' influence which is not helpful at all.
I hope your daughter finds the book helpful. I found it in the "Helpful Resources" section on the sidebar. Might be worth checking out if you haven't already.
This has been my experience too. Looking back, I did pretty well masking and managing burnout in highschool but when I got a job and had to deal with customers is when I started to really burnout and that was how I ended up in the mental health ward and learnt I have Aspergers. I have very little energy for masking these days.
I ended up moving out into the bush and becoming a hermit, isolating myself. I was pretty damaged at the time but I'm trying to make an effort to manage things better now. Just need to find the resources to do it.
I've realized recently that reading and watching Tv and movies from different cultures is how I have learnt to understand things around me. Books with politics, scheming and conspiracy are good. Stories, myths etc have been the best explainers of NT behavior for me but there are still gaps in my understanding and I have a tenancy to understand complex/high-level ideas easily but have trouble grasping more fundamental concepts.
More of this please. Houses are shelter not investment assets.
I'm curious to hear what people who played SWAT 4 think of it. I spent hours playing that game by myself and with my brother and it was great.
Would really like to know how it is playing singleplayer. Can't play many games online due to Australia lag.
Mulholland Drive is total garbage
I've got >500hours in Timberborn on Ubuntu. Runs flawlessly and never had an issue.
Needs one of those dementia villages so he can pretend hes still relevant