They make you send them your id...
I'm not young and I'm really not proud. It's honestly embarrassing. Trump was a disgrace and ruined any sense of pride I had.
Whatever websites choose to use this bullshit are websites I will no longer use. Soon someone will come up with a new internet and it will be like stepping back in time and I will welcome it.
From FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME to let me lick those boots while you tell me what I should be outraged about.
I generally don't wish ill will on people. That being said, this asshole isn't a human in my book. He's just an evil hate filled pile of shit, and it will be a great day for democracy and America when he does die.
How does the generation from FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!! go to "yes sir, tell me how to think and what to do while I lick your boots?
A mechanic that changed a brake hose and calipers should have at least surfaced the rotors and changed the pads. It's more than likely the pads and rotor got real hot. I personally would find a new mechanic, but your problem is 100% air in the lines. You need the brakes bled.
Imagine being that fragile.
He's a moron, his last two remaining brain cells are fighting for third place.
I went from an in debt jobless alcoholic that really did not want to live, to being pretty much debt free (car loan) and having a six figure job that I'm really doing well in.
The turning point was meeting my best friend/soul mate and not accepting who I had turned into. I got a job and really worked my ass off to catch up, quit drinking, then quit smoking, and then things just started turning around. I'd really like to say it was from all the hard work, and maybe it was, but I can't help but feel I just got lucky.
With these electric vehicles having waaaay more power than these compenstors douche bags drive around, they'd have no problem moving these pavement princesses out of the way.