That's why I bake my cake at 2608°C for ~1,8 minutes, it just works™
They are seizing the means of ^egg^ production!
There's a solution you're not seeing, make the notebook part of the production cluster.
Run a multi-cluster k8s on your notebook to test then?
It was all just bloat anyways, who needs anything besides a kernel?
Check DNS, MTU and do a full wireshark capture from the Client using both curl and the browser.
You must be at Least this high to work here.
Tap for spoiler
What even are they snorting?
Great! Now I can play frogger from both perspectives at once.
I have a failsafe service for one of my servers, it pings the router and if it hasn't reached it once for an entire hour then it will reboot the server.
This won't save me from all mistakes but it will prevent firewall, link state, routing and a few other issues when I'm not present.
I didn't consider it as valid, one on (phone and internal nvme1), the second one on nvme2 and the third one in the cloud.
Though I have only two copies of normal data myself, I consider live and cloud to be enough for most data. Everything very important has more backups in other ways (bitwarden has an exportable local version on every logged in device, images are stored in immich on my server making it 3 devices)
- Maintain three (3) copies of your data: This includes the original data and at least two copies.
- Use two (2) different types of media for storage: Store your data on two distinct forms of media to enhance redundancy.
- Keep at least one (1) copy off-site: To ensure data safety, have one backup copy stored in an off-site location, separate from your primary data and on-site backups.
You have 3 copies, one on your phone and nvme, one on the backup nvme and one in the cloud. You have 2 media, internal SSD and cloud (your phone would count as a third if it wasn't auto synced) You have 1 off-site in the cloud
He isn't even using that head anyways, seems like some cost cutting is in order.