From the Play store/Aurora, or is there another way? I remember an app on fdroid that would install different mozilla browsers but I can't find it
So what do you use instead?
love his documentaries
didn't realize he's the male version of the overly attached girlfriend
his payrise is equivalent to something like 3000 US workers minimum wage annual salaries
if my math is correct (which it probably isn't)
It breaks Cloudflare so for me tons of websites become inaccessible. Maybe you can tweak it but OOTB it's unusable
that celestron sure is a powerful flashlight!
French media Le Figaro reported that Auchan has struggled over the past 2.5 years due to tough competition from Russian oligarch-owned distributors.
that's why they're leaving, not because they suddenly grew a conscience
mulliez family also owns Leroy Merlin (and Decathlon) which is very successful in russia and they don't sell those stores...
would not leave Russia despite accusations of financing the war, citing the need to keep employees and continue "feeding the populations of both Ukraine and Russia."
shit we got it all wrong, they were helping Ukraine!
google captcha that will 100% fail the first time no matter how careful I am, sorry I can't do it anymore, especially if I don't know what I'm opening
and hasn't it be established bots can solve those now and it's just about the money?
qwerty only it seems