Yes that’s how corruption works
You can tell how fucked things are when this post might upset some “normal” people
I do enjoy a good ghost bustin
This is truely a very, very low thinking comparison. So much so that it hurts knowing that people like this are able to project their dense thoughts out into the world and subject others to their wasteful presence.
He probably didn’t even try not sucking
Plus the added bonus of no one trusting the US anymore. Slow clap
The best part is the only justification for keeping china and Russia at bay was because the US is morally superior and doesn’t invade weaker countries just because it can. Well the US is 100% full of shit. All bets are off
A now Trump is sending our children to die in a foreign land so he can enrich himself further. Slow clap to all the “winners.”
When I say they don’t care I meant they don’t care enough. So anywhere in the range of giving zero fucks all the way through to I really care a lot and it bothers me and makes me ashamed and upset but not still not enough to eat less calories. The proof of this is when people who were fat begin to care enough and loose weight, it happens all the time.
Source: am fat person.
Good work trump. The world respects America again. /s
You don’t need money to be a normal weight. Lots of homeless people who are of normal weight. Almost everyone can afford to eat what body builders eat like rice tuna beans and they are in peak physical shape. The difference is they care about their body and fat people don’t. Even if you don’t have time to work out you can still care about your body.
I don’t really understand this whole “free speech” thing. If it were ww2 would you be worried about nazis having free speech or would you do what needed to be done?