
joined 1 year ago
[–] Iceblade02 1 points 15 hours ago

Yes, the irony if mislabelling data about misinformation is fun

[–] Iceblade02 15 points 18 hours ago

It's the system that's the problem. It was built for a society with a very homogenous and pacifist culture profile. That society no longer exists.

The majority in Sweden is going through a rather rude awakening right now and our systems are going to break a lot whilst our politicians struggle to bring them in line with our new reality.

[–] Iceblade02 1 points 2 days ago

Muggings (a.k.a person robberies) have gone up, for unrelated reasons.

[–] Iceblade02 2 points 3 days ago

At least where I live chicken (frozen) & dairy are some of the cheapest sources of protein, followed closely by beans & similar legumes.

[–] Iceblade02 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Does this account for imports/exports of goods?

[–] Iceblade02 5 points 6 days ago

I'm the opposite. Crossbows make for a slower paced battle with punchier attacks - which I tend to preferm

[–] Iceblade02 2 points 6 days ago

Transport grids aren't free, and excess electricity production is bad as it requires curtailment (wastage) which isn't free either to prevent damage to electric equipment (very expensive).

Besides, when renewables produce these excesses, this will often be the case in a very large area.

[–] Iceblade02 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

The existing solution isn't economical, mostly due to grid costs. If you want it, it'll have to come from the tax payers pocket, which means it has to compete with stuff like healthcare.

[–] Iceblade02 4 points 6 days ago (3 children)

So you mean the Tories are also assholes? Tell me something I didn't know

[–] Iceblade02 1 points 6 days ago

and also a good moderator from what I've seen

[–] Iceblade02 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Here's what the UN says on the matter.

Israel is a democracy with well-established and independent institutions...

In the occupied Palestinian territory...

So at least in the reality where the UN exists, Israel is a democracy and the Palestinian territories are occupied (as opposed to annexed).

I'd love to hear more about the reality that "we" (you and your woefully uninformed friends I presume?) are present in.

[–] Iceblade02 -1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

An Apartheid is not a democracy.

Even if it were, those aren't mutually exclusive. Most, if not all democracies are flawed in some fashion.

But still the war cabinet fully supports what Netanyahu is saying here.

So much so that members have been on the verge of resigning several times. You underestimate just how frail Netanyahus position really is.

So you are correct to point out that it is not just Netanyahu but the israeli government that does not want a ceasefire.

It does, just not at the terms Hamas demands.

The rest of your comment makes no sense.

I'm perfectly willing to clarify. If there is something you fail to understand, please highlight it.


Just don't ask how long it took to get my dGPU working properly :D But thankfully, there were a bunch of helpful folks with tips!


The song (by Sabaton) came on as I was heading to work this Thursday, and I found myself tearing up. It's the first time in a few years that I heard it and it hit differently. I've got relatives and friends of friends in active duty.

Not anyone I'm in touch with, but I've met them, and I hear of them. The price of a mile is the suffering and lives of them, their friends, and so many other young men.

One of my bubbles has been burst by what's happening in Ukraine & Israel. War is no longer history, news and reports. It has become a lot more real to me, and it's something I could end up being a part of.

This feels like a rather serious topic for a community called casual conversation, but feel free to share your thoughts on this, or a "bubble bursting" moment of your own.


Feel free to highlight people from both reality and fiction - and why they make a good role model.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Iceblade02 to c/games

It actually states that you may transfer your rights to the game to another person, which is, like... wow.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen this in another steam-connected game.

I still dislike the wording around the fact that the TOS can be changed at any time, and refusing revokes your right to playing it (without any compensation), but that's pretty much industry standard (unfortunately). This however, stood out to me.

P.S: If any of y'all have some extraordinary TOS's for other games that stand out in good (or bad) way feel free to share, it'd be interesting to know if there are others!

submitted 4 months ago by Iceblade02 to c/android

So I've got a pretty old smartphone and have replaced the battery once already. I've kept track of wear with the help of accubattery, since the phone didn't have that built in.

However, enshittification is encroaching, and I'm now looking for alternatives. What are some decent options?

submitted 5 months ago by Iceblade02 to c/askmen

In our current day and age, it's rather hard to meet new people and make new friends, particularly for those of us who do not participate in mainstream social media. So, how and where do you meet new people? Feel free to add some context around that.

submitted 6 months ago by Iceblade02 to c/asklemmy

As something of a history buff I've read about a fair few Kings and Queens through history. There are many of them, most mediocre, a lot of them objectively bad, however, now and again one stands out from the masses as a good one.

So, what (according to you) makes a good monarch? Feel free to point to a particular person, or event as an example :)


If you, like me, live in the EU, Facebook is now entirely clamping down and forcing free users to make their personal data available for monetization.

Attempting to access any Facebook domain and perhaps also other meta products will redirect you to the following prompt with a choice between either accepting the monetization of your user data, or coughing up a region-dependent monthly subscription fee: base (for me ~10€) + an additional fee (~7€) for each additional facebook or instagram account you have.

Now, the hidden third option. At an initial glance, it seems like there is no other option but to click one of the buttons - however, certain links still work, and grant access to important pieces of functionality through your web browser.

If anyone has information to add regarding Facebook or Instagram, please do share it. I've only (begrudgingly) used the former up until now, but I know many others use Instagram and don't feel like giving a single cent (nor their personal info) to Meta.

  1. - perhaps most important of all, now is a good time to make a request to download your Facebook data. Don't forget to switch to data for "all time" and "high quality" if you intend to permanently delete your account.

  2. - here you can find and manage your information, but crucially also access Facebook messenger.

  3. The messenger app: Still hasn't prompted me with anything, though I expect that will change in the not too far future.

Currently my plan is to use messenger to inform any important friends that I intend to leave FB, and where they'll be able to reach me in the future.

"A Killer App" (

This time around, the base prompt is the title. Same as previous: SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé. Getting with the spirit of halloween. Inspired by the expression "That's a killer app!".

^Full^ ^details^ ^and^ ^settings^ ^are^ ^shared^ ^at^ ^my^ ^profile^ ^(/u/Iceblade02)^ ^on^ ^there^

With a Broken Heart (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Iceblade02 to c/[email protected]

Keeping the streak going with a new vibe.

Once again, SDXL 1.0 @ NightCafé, inspired by the song "One Way Ticket" (to the blues), with Neil Sedaka

Full prompt details & other creations on my profile there (/u/Iceblade02)


Made with SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé, inspired by a session of 1830 (the boardgame) this Sunday.

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