
joined 1 year ago
[–] I_Fart_Glitter 10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I’m pretty sure dark Brandon is Biden’s millennial Twitter account manager. I don’t think he’ll show up for the debate.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 20 points 2 days ago (4 children)

TIL I should be a landscaper.

My two cents is plant fruit trees that will do well in your area. Or get goats. Or half and half.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 2 points 2 days ago

It’s lovely, Bones! Thank you!

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 3 points 3 days ago

Eastern boxelder

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 4 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Yes, if you're looking at it from a single perspective, you can be very clear on what they were or weren't. You seem to be pretty invested in labeling them according to your own.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 7 points 3 days ago

Yes you are! And a handsome one at that.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (5 children)

Were the Cardassians terrorists too, or do they get a pass since their actions were Official Military Operations (TM)? It was certainly a hotly debated topic among Federation members. You can call it black and white if you want to, there were Star Fleet officers that did. There were also respected, high ranking officers, deep into their careers that joined their cause, including Chakotay. Star Trek is nothing if not nuanced.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 10 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Half of Janeway's (the lady above) crew on Voyager were members of the Maquis before they joined her. The Maquis were freedom fighters in the resistance against the Cardassian occupation/colonization in the demilitarized zone. The Cardassians (brutal, planet-hungry, militaristic race) considered them terrorists, the Federation considered them dangerous traitors. Voyager was on a mission to catch the group of Maquis under Chakotay's command on the Valjean (named for the Les Miserables character imprisoned for a just crime) when both ships got tossed 75 years journey from home. The two captains decided to merge their crews and Chakotay became Janeway's first officer after Chakotay sacrificed his ship to save members of both crews.

People have (light hearted) animosity toward Janeway mainly because she had to make a hard decision when two crew members got merged into one in a transporter accident. The resulting person was a new being who wanted to live, but keeping him alive would mean sacrificing the two original people. She also fucked around with the timeline so much that one of the time cops went insane trying to fix the issues she was continuously creating. And she's a bit cranky when she doesn't get any coffee.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 43 points 4 days ago (16 children)
[–] I_Fart_Glitter 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I literally salt and vinegar the ground after ripping it out. I don't burn it, since I live in California and burn piles are generally frowned upon (but are allowed a few times per year). I send it off to the municipal compost, where it does at least get somewhat cooked. Then I go over it with one of these bad boys to get any stragglers: https://stickerburrroller.com/product/sticker-burr-removal-tool/ Doesn't matter, they come back strong several times per year.

[–] I_Fart_Glitter 9 points 4 days ago

I had no idea they were still on the ship.


TLDR: the ship has minimum staffing requirements, even when stationary, the crews visas expired while they were trapped, the investigation is ongoing and the FBI took their cell phones.

And Baltimore attorneys don't want any of the crew to leave the country until the investigation is over, which may take two years.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by I_Fart_Glitter to c/sciencefiction

I’ve been really enjoying John Scalzi’s catalog- Started with Starter Villain (delightful!), The Kaiju Preservation Society (Sweet..), Lock In + Head On (fun who-done-its), The Android’s Dream (clever, enjoyable read), Agent to the Stars (funny, creative, pretty good).

I’m half way through the first book of Old Man’s War and it’s depressing AF. I don’t see how it’s going to get any more light hearted, given the subject matter. All the aliens are enemies, more battle scenes than anything else, graphic descriptions of war injuries and deaths.. I’m not really compelled to keep going. Can anyone vouch for it being worth it to continue?

Edit: I'm realizing that "better" isn't a good descriptor. I guess what I mean is "Will there be fewer graphic descriptions of injuries and death; as well as general despair on the part of the MC." It is a "good" book by all metrics except "feel-goodiness" and "Not making me queasy at descriptions of faces being blown apart." I'd come to expect a light and clever romp from John Scalzi, and from everyone's replies, he is more varied in his styles than I'd previously been aware.

I'd been half hoping this would all resolve into a lovely, heartwarming story about how the universe was saved by a race of benevolent, highly intelligent cats who tricked everyone into getting along. I tried to go further this morning and am, for now going to set it aside after another scene with an exploding face.

Thanks to all who replied!


54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15413239

The sighting shows that the revival of the animal, which was once nearly extirpated from Pennsylvania, continues throughout the region.

The river otter ogled the camera, posing for an inadvertent selfie on a chilly winter night. The adult critter explored its surroundings for 45 minutes before slipping off into the darkness, ever elusive.

The unexpected December cameo marked the first known presence of a river otter along the Ridley Creek watershed in Chester County for 100 years, signifying that the revival of the animal, once nearly extirpated from Southeastern Pennsylvania, continues throughout the region.

“We haven’t caught much else by way of footage, but a homeowner has reported seeing it swim in their pond just few weeks ago, which is a good sign that it’s hanging out in the area,” said Lauren McGrath, director of the watershed protection program for the Willistown Conservation Trust, a nonprofit in Chester County.

McGrath’s team installed a game camera on private property to monitor beaver on private land near where the trust recently acquired 90 acres of the 218-acre Kirkwood Farm at Plumstock and Providence Roads in Willistown.

More in link.

[OC] Geranium bum (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by I_Fart_Glitter to c/beebutts
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