Those aren't really a thing right now.
With media, you get a lot of straight, white (usually young) men bitching about “forced diversity” if the main characters aren’t their idea of “standard human” which is, of course, a straight, white, neurotypical, cisgender man. He can have a British accent if he’s fancy or an Australian one if he’s rowdy. Otherwise American all the way, baby.
Dan Savage, the romantic advice columnist, says you should not move in together until you have been farting in front of each other for six months.
I can’t watch original series Star Trek because of the screeching sounds that happen whenever we are supposed to feel dramatic surprise and/or suspense. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.
See also: Thomas Edison
SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone's has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
But what if they are a woman...?
Astringent is the word for that.
That poor woman.
The bell doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss you!
You sure you're not eating poison hemlock roots? They look a lot like carrots..
Bought fiber gummies, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!