
joined 2 years ago
[–] Horsey 1 points 15 hours ago

Issue with waiting for the R2/3 is that the tax credits will probably be gone by then.

[–] Horsey -5 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (8 children)

The issue is that the alternatives generally aren’t that much better in a vacuum. Infotainment vs Tesla infotainment (removing the CarPlay merits): It’s not even close. Tesla is like 10-15 years ahead of everything else on the US market in their price range. Car manufacturers famously lock in their tech and designs something like 3 years before public release.

Will there be meaningful software updates for your Kia EV6 in 2028? Absolutely not, no way.

Do you want to tow anything more than 1000Kg? Good luck outside of Tesla.

NACS? Not one single other car available yet.

Do you want a dashcam? Rivian is the only other brand, IIRC.

I’m not apologizing for Tesla, but it’s really painful how awful all other cars are compared to the competition.

[–] Horsey 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (4 children)

Not necessarily Carl Benz himself, but it has been litigated that the company had ties to the nazi regime. I’m not arguing that Mercedes was founded on Nazi values, I’m just saying there was a connection and a less than stellar history of bedfellows.

[–] Horsey 22 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (21 children)

Everyone forgets where the German cars, Henry Ford, etc came from politically.

I was looking into my first EV, and politics just didn’t weigh that much into the decision. Now, the “infotainment as a perpetual service”, that turned me off and away from Tesla. With CarPlay my car dash will never lose service, and will always be free to use with updates from Apple/Google. I can’t imagine why people would ever pay for their infotainment when CarPlay is better or equal in all cases to the alternative.

That said, if Tesla and other brands were equally weighted in my purchase decision, I’d then happily rule Tesla out based on merit.

[–] Horsey 4 points 2 days ago

Old Orchard Beach gonna be empty this July lol

[–] Horsey 40 points 3 days ago (5 children)

5.5 years into my marriage and my family has zero clue lol.

[–] Horsey 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Only because my spouse’s parents are both dead (early, accidents) and he inherited several hundred thousand dollars and life insurance money. I personally have a negative net worth, and with divorce I’d probably only break even. I basically lucked out of not living with my parents/grandparents for the rest of their life. On the flip side though, I regret the marriage because he refuses to move to a country with better social safety nets should something go wrong; living knowing that should his nest egg dry up, that we’ll be on the street in retirement, is inherently really stressful [we live in the USA].

I have a BS, with probably no inheritance coming (I’ve been told so).

He’s a certified accountant and makes double what I do. He controls all the money for obvious reasons.

[–] Horsey 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

I work in Arizona with the homeless and downtrodden. The overwhelming majority of them are right wing and are homeless because they actively refuse help, among other severe mental health issues.

[–] Horsey 3 points 6 days ago

I absolutely loved KH1/2 FM

[–] Horsey 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Important to point out: native food culture was wiped out because of the forced migration of natives. The federal government subsidized natives with basic food ingredients that were not commodities to them. I can’t really imagine what they ate prior to being pushed out of their native lands without doing a serious deep dive into pre-19th century accounts of their food.

[–] Horsey 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Dude I fuckkkkking Loved Titan AE. Such a good movie for its time when adult cartoons weren’t everywhere. Cartoons at the time were all hand hold-y and made for kids; it was such a breath of fresh air.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Horsey to c/[email protected]

Back again with another question thread looking for alternatives for my two most important apps that'll make me switch to Linux+Android:

Is there anything like PastePal on Linux with an Android app? The biggest thing about PastePal is that it lets me create a catalogue of text/images snippets that I can call up at any time on MacOS with CMD + Shift + V

The best part about it is that on iOS, I can use their custom keyboard and paste anything from my snippets library from the keyboard in places that don't usually allow you to paste text.

The app will sync everything I've copied on my Mac and make it available on my phone/iPad via either the app snippet library or the keyboard.

This is probably functionality that would be right up KDE Connect's alley to implement if it doesn't already exist.


I'm still trying to get myself over to linux, and I'm having a hard time finding a replacement for BetterTouchTool. Essentially, the app lets you customize multitouch trackpad gestures per-app and system wide with single to 5 finger support.

Cyst popping videos? (self.asklemmy)
submitted 2 months ago by Horsey to c/[email protected]

I'm one of those degenerates that enjoy cyst popping videos, and my sources have all dried up at this point: I was lurking on r/popping_curated and popthatzit before that. I bet the majority of them are on TikTok now, but I don't want to make an account there just for this lol.


See title

submitted 2 years ago by Horsey to c/trees

I’m wondering how I can use cGPT in a particular usecase and if so how can I go about feeding training data to it?

Whati am trying to accomplish: I want to be able to supply cGPT with a music file (.ogg or .mp3) and get an accuracy of .001 BPM as to what the BPM of a song is. Huge bonus points if it can also print out at which second (down to .001 sec) where a BPM would change in a song.

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