Phone sex lines are still a thing? Next you're going to tell me that I can see a flapper show at a nickelodeon!
SGU was unpopular when it came out but with its serialized story telling it was just ahead of its time.
If you can only choose between the lesser of two evils then you can only end up with evil.
I second this sentiment
I've been thinking that there should be a rolecall community where people just post or comment "Present" to be counted active.
Big dog? Nah, they're just tiny lap dogs 🤣
Bro, great danes feel the same way
Sikhs are the most pacifistic MFers on earth. These Apes once stopped a train by laying on the tracks and getting the fuck ran over. Much respect for the sikh community and shame on whoever shot their community leader.
Hanlon's razor: never attribute to malice which is adequately explained by stupidity.
If a tire is not mounted properly to the balancing machine it will tell the tech to put pounds of weights on the wheel.