This is totally shit (assuming it is real and either not a joke or not some planted sign to stir controversy), but if the sign said any other race, there would be a whole lot less outrage. Or no outrage at all.
Apathy is one of the GOP's greatest tools.
The material properties of PET are not the best for this application. It isn't as rigid or as durable as ABS, for example. And when it isn't virgin material, those properties degrade even further. LEGO has a very high quality standard (their dimensional tolerances on their parts are ridiculously tight for plastic parts) it would require any material it uses meet, so I'm not shocked that PET-based blocks didn't pass. That satisfying feeling you get when you snap 2 bricks together was probably very high on their list and compared to other materials, recycled PET would feel "smooshier".
... but, but, but all the zoomers in here like to act like they are savvy when it comes to scams and they always seem to think they know better than everyone else.
Hide behind whatever bullshit you want, these workers knew the proper way to do things and didn't do it. They fucked around and found out.
Exactly. It is funny that the same people here who make fun of people who died of COVID because they willfully didn't wear a mask, wash their hands, and get the vaccine. Well this ain't that different. The process is there. The tools exist. Do the job right. You aren't smarter than the engineers and scientists who developed these processes and wrote the safety instructions. Your stubbornness is not an excuse.
Cut it short. This is Starve The Beast politics.
This is what Republicans have been pushing for 40+ years now.
Defund agencies to a level where they can't properly function, then use that to claim they aren't doing their job. Then state that we should just cut funding for those agencies. A self fulfilling prophecy.
I don't understand the reference.
That's because Republicans are masters at marketing a message that connects with average folks. They are absolutely terrible for those folks, but as you pointed out, the US economy is so massive, it takes time for legislation passed today to actually affect people in hometown America. So while Republicans are great at pretending they are all blue collar folks, Democrats are absolutely inept at explaining their policies to regular people. All those regular people see a bunch of Democratic lawmakers wasting their resources on teeny, tiny fringe groups. So regular people who represent large voting blocs that can get politicians elected watch this on the news and wonder when are Demcrats going to pay attention to their problems.
At my last company, we had a TV in the break room that was tuned to the news. Mind you, it wasn't Fox News or any obvious garbage like that. I vividly remember seeing reports on the news on how all these Democratic politicians were spending all this time helping DACA people. They would promise them Healthcare and free education. I could hear my coworkers mumble to themselves. They just had to send in a fat check to their kid's college to pay for classes while these DACA people were being promised free education. Regardless of of these coworkers supported the DACA folks or not, it just doesn't look good to average voters when they are scraping together a tuition payment and the elected officials you helped get into office are telling these people who aren't even citizens. It's very tone-deaf when the masses have the same or similar problems and yet onky these fringe groups get visible attention from Democrats. And this is but one example of many similar instances which really help solidify the image thag Dems are out of touch, even if that isn't true. In politics, image is more important than just about anything else.
It's funny you say that because there was someone on Reddit that would argue with people who stated that trucks are a ton bigger than they used to be. Their shtick was that trucks of yore and today are within a fraction of an inch.
Thanks for posting this. You are showing what people SHOULD be doing instead of immediately going into some race-baited tirade. The problem is that these days, people seem to WANT to get baited into some race argument. Lots of blue-haired, black nail-polish zoomers with nothing better to do started fuming before before they should jump into the comments and read a post like yours which shows that this is probably some total bullshit. Either a joke or something posted to purposefully cause controversy.