Cars killed the cloak. Cloaks remained popular for a long time after the invention of the sewing machine in the early 1800s, but fell out of fashion with the popularization of the automobile in the early-mid 1900s.
I doubt that. I’d accept “nearly as stupid”
Pretty sure the oil companies can always be found on that list. It’s what they do, by definition or they wouldn’t be oil companies.
Yes… I’d classify context as a reboot of latex.
I’d say only open/libreoffice fits that.
Edit: maybe Tex/latex/lyx too, but context is not.
I’m familiar with “dud” in both contexts. Just never heard “never make a dud” as an expression.
There are many instances like that. Systemd vs system V init, x vs Wayland, ed vs vim, Tex vs latex vs lyx vs context, OpenOffice vs libreoffice.
Usually someone identifies a problem or a new way of doing things… then a lot of people adapt and some people don’t. Sometimes the new improvement is worse, sometimes it inspires a revival of the old system for the better…
It’s almost never catastrophic for anyone involved.
Not just Florida but yes.
Ignore the ruling until it is ”too late” then shrug and say, “Sowwy we ran out of time, guess we’ll have to just use the only maps we have”.
Disgusting ratfuckery.
I assume they’re going to ignore the ruling and use the maps anyway.
In theaters at the moment.
Watch the documentary “Bad River” about the tribe’s efforts to fight this. It’s really interesting!
It’s not though. It may have less taste than normal water, but it’s not zero.