You realize that software exists other than operating systems right?
joined 2 years ago
How can you report on a supposedly confusing ballot measure without reporting the text of the measure?
Most of the time people don’t think about things thoroughly enough to describe them usefully. Or they don’t have the language to describe them.
I have little trouble myself but I have an “advantage”:
Uh-huh, because women never want to have sex. Couldn’t happen.
ignoring we live in a democracy where everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Yeah, they don’t want that either.
(Open)PGP is the protocol, GPG is just one application that implements it.
Hey now, alcohol is an effective antiseptic. That’s pretty clearly a medical use.
15° C (or 15 K)
Bad bot.
What’s IG matte?
I think it would mostly apply to software other than operating systems, really.
Weird custom one-off databases that only a government would need, mostly.
The “third party rights” is a loophole you could drive a truck through, if you wanted to circumvent this law.