Pretty sure that’s mostly a retcon and it’s actually just plot armor preventing the stormtroopers from aiming.
It is how it used to work back when these tropes came about.
Here’s an interesting video on the topic
I am a vampire and—
I’ve found it to be pretty good in my area although I did have to tweak the cycling profile to avoid unpaved, otherwise it really like to take me down out of the way gravel paths.
There’s a fair amount of customization …
Including surface types such as sett and cobble
They’re not. Higher birth rates are not better when population levels are as high as they are.
I’d have thought “caused her to lose the race”
Hey maybe he was just happy until he heard the first question?
Or until he realized that he was at the NABJ convention rather than NAMBLA.
It caused her the race.
Did you accidentally a verb?
Yeah but not for the presidency.
Yeah that is true.
To me, “letting them go” applies to things like leaving escape routes open, posting minimal guards, leaving the tractor beam unguarded and off, not “shooting to miss”. What, did they put out an announcement at the morning briefing, ‘hey everyone if you see a stranger on our secret base make sure to shoot at them but not too accurately, even if this leads to your death’. I don’t buy it.