Just another dead hearted grifting white asshole looking to make a name at everyone else's expense
Can we know if the not the actual business at least the type of business?
So..one text book the? lol clueless
We have entered the out loud part of billionaire gangsters literally taking over the world or trying. Elon dreams of an authoritarian world where he can house his workers a la Foxconn. Honestly someone is going to star popping these malignant ghouls soon and Elon is a prime candidate. One special ops team and a MANDAP and no more X.
The dissonance is astounding. The average mouth breathing MAGA is either so poor and stupid that they don't realize that their taxes are going to go way up and their services like Pension and medical will evaporate. The other type of MAGA supporter is probably a fairly well off enough to insulate them from the worst of this (except the tax shift to them) but are happy because they get to openly hate the people they see as a problem which will lead to blow back that they can't understand. Bad times ahead if trump wins guaranteed
No but it will be if they continue FAFO is coming.
Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult ffs!
Not sheading any tears for a MAGAT that got popped attending a fascist wanna be dictators rally.
So glad I found this alternative. reddit, mods are psychos and the average user not much better