
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Thought-crime and pre-crime. Two fundamentally important aspects of Christianity as they ensure guilt that they are conveniently the monopoly on forgiveness/absolution of.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

If it wasn't for the genocide of the Native Americans I likely wouldn't either, or at very least be a different person. That doesn't change one's subjective experience or the objective facts of either things.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

This isn't even Socialism, this is just a basic provision against being a Dystopia.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

365 days in a normal year, even 73 weeks a year... make Leap Day a special case that's never part of a week (ie. week ends, Leap Day, next week starts) and that'd be quite nice. I'd also want to fix time units on a smaller scale but the 60/60/24 may have additional issues with replacing.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Nope, American ~~exceptionalist~~ Supremacist drit. You get the American flag and reference to the American god stamped on your head./s

The world would be so better off if the dystopia would just Balkanize already. Saying that as an American.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I don't think he quite realizes tattoos can be modified... or removed. It'd be easy to have it modified to be the American flag on fire and the text disparaging their vile deity.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I've taken to replacing 'United States' with 'American Dystopia' in my vocabulary. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Brave New World would offer a more pleasant life.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Nice thing about not being tied to the Cult of Capital. Free sharing of things... at least the things it hasn't figured out how to enforce monetization of, yet.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago

The issue is that they don't care. They don't care if the Bible says anything at all about the subject their on about or even if it contradicts them. What the Bible actually says is irrelevant to them, it's only what their ~~glorious leaders~~ pastors say it says matters.

The root of faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality or reverence or regard for history or their mythology.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

If you're going to rebuild this place with realistic infrastructure I'd love to see a before/after of this disasterpiece.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What's the purpose of this building?

It actually looks pretty decent so if you have a significant internal space you may just want to leave it open or give it a flat glass roof for a skylight.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Sleep. Pretty much the only time for me.

I lay down, put on a narration, and at some point my memory cuts out and it's the next day. Nothing happens so far as I recall between losing consciousness and waking up.


So, a friend of mine and I just went two for two on frustrating experiences:

SP Interception is just frustrating for the two of us. We struggle to clear all the gits from the capture points between their high health and constantly streaming in. In general we can each take and hold a point then potentially hold a third long enough to gain the lead. However, the Acolyte then spawns in and annoys us long enough to lose the lead, mostly through trolling with their abilities.

I have a Kuva Lich and my friend has a Sister of Parvos as our On Call Crewmen but neither of us have put any work into optimizing them, they're both just more-or-less the first thing we spared rather than killed. I also summon Kahl and his support units while my friend calls Ancient Healers (they prefer a different Air Support).

I know my Lich isn't optimal, it uses one of the less impressive Kuva variant guns, the Quartakk, and only has one power that's noticeably helpful: their version of Hollowed Ground. Their SoP Crewman is similarly unimpressive but I don't recall the specifics. Both of us need better help. So, what should we be looking for in terms of the best support for SP missions?


Just killed my current Lich and got the Kuva Nukor, and now I'm wondering how it will compare to the Tenet Cycron for Priming. This is their comparison on the equip screen:

Anyone have experience with both weapons? Which would you say is generally better for the job? Of note: I don't do collision overload and rarely melee in general.


Just finished the Steel Path and got all the Bobbles!

Arranged them as an homage to the pre-Orbiter mission select screen. The Deimos bobble isn't clearly visible but it's there between Mars and Phobos. The Zariman Bobble is unfortunately out of frame on my Pedestal Prime.


Am I lucky for once in my life or is Dante a really eazy grind? I just got half of Dante and ~130 pity points in one run then finished off the pps on a single C rotation. So with less than an hour of work I've got the new frame under construction.

test (dormi.zone)

Experiencing some oddness, testing if I can post.


Hello everyone, I recently looked up how to make autonomous courier drones and realizing how easy they are I decided it was well past time to try branching out into using remote control and drones more. So, I've engineered this little thing to serve as a drone outpost. The intent being that it'll host a mining drone and a courier so that the whole kit can be deployed to a location by a valuable resource.

Being my first drone vessel I wanted to see what other people thought of it while I'm still prototyping. I've got two custom turrets that hold a folding solar panel system, slapped some O2 generators on it just in case a manned vessel is running low and near one. I've got a gyro and RC on it along with forward and rearward facing cameras. It occurred to me that I'm using Hydrogen thrusters and as such have to have facilities for ice processing and storage but I tend to struggle to find platinum.


Hello everyone, Doing a bit more work on the big carrier I'm designing to use with a friend and I've sealed up the hangar-areas but now I've got a new problem: I've got a 23 block long door that could potentially vent a painful amount of oxygen into space. I don't want to scrap the door because I think it's cool (and very loosely taking inspiration from the Venator Class Star Destroyer from Star Wars), and I think it'll be reasonably 'practical' way of handling the positioning of the hangars. So I'm considering two fixes:

  1. Either keep this section depressurized always but allow the hangars to pressurize or
  2. Build a system such that the big area will decompress via vents before the door opens.

I think Option 2 would be better but I really don't know how to do much in the way of automation and the airlock videos I've seen seem to rely on timer blocks which would mean that I'd need to time the depressurization of a massive room... Is there any way I can just detect when the pressure is at 0% or some other workaround? Any guidance on this problem would be very helpful.

Also for context the room this door is to is a bit above 11,250 cubic meters in volume. Getting an accurate measurement is a little difficult do to an irregularly shaped device I've built in it. I'm having a hard time finding rates for things when I go looking so I'm not sure how many vents I'd need to depressurize this in a reasonable period of time.


Hello everyone, My friend and I are moving on to trying to seal parts of the ship for spaceflight now that our production system works and have started hitting the problem of leaks we can't find. I recall being told there's a mod to make this much less difficult when I had this problem on my single-player world but never went for it... I figure it'd make things smoother on multiplayer but now I can't recall the mod's name.

Anyone know which mod that likely was?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/spaceengineers

Hello everyone, A friend of mine finally got a computer & connection that can handle Space Engineers and we've been enjoying the game together... up until a few minutes before posting. We've hit an issue I can't quite figure out: In the process of building a flying base we've found our new Indi Assemblers won't draw Ingots from the connected cargo hold no matter what we do.

I've snapped a few pics to show our setup:

I've tried swapping which Assembler is CoOp, having neither be CoOp, turning each one off while leaving the other on, disassembling and reassembling them both... but nothing has worked so far. Ingots just won't move into the assemblers.


Hello everyone, Is there a way to turn off weather on the planets? I'm working on an improved version of the Voxel Lance but persistent blizzards on my testworld bringing visibility to approaching zero is getting rather frustrating.


Found two of these while hunting Voca. Got some loot radar going on so I know there's something beyond it, at least one Voca as the other was next to a window, but I don't 'get' the mechanism for these doors yet.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just recalled a fond memory from when I first started playing and figured I'd share and see if anyone has similar experiences.

This was way back in, if I'm remembering correctly, the single digit updates... I think six but I'm not sure. At least for me and a few friends at the time Ancient Infested were scary, actually required specific focusing down and a little cheesing of the not-so-great AI they had back then. A lot of bosses were like the Sargent, just bigger/tougher versions of normal enemies. Death came frequently enough that teamwork was important and builds like an ultra-slow but functionally indestructible Rhino were assets to the team rather than an unwanted holdup.

But back then even the most indestructible of builds with the best of weapons were out matched by one adversary: The Stalker. He didn't have his now iconic weapons back then, no he used a Braton and Cernos but he used them well and had some protection against powers being used against him. I recall him causing mission failure on so many missions... then just about when I was going to conclude he's unkillable he spawns in while I'm solo trudging in my maximum tank Rhino build. He's killed it before but it was my main and I was never really one to just give up. He's running circles around me as he was able to to... at least in part 'cause my run speed was slower than Excalibur's walk. But I manage to get out from whatever power-suppression he had back then I go for a Charge... and miss but it got me enough distance to have just a sliver of breathing space and with that I try again, probably last time before my powers are gone again. Hit. Not just a hit but he disappears...

I didn't think he was beaten but it wasn't like The Stalker to let up on the attack... I trudge on continuing the mission. I complete the objective... no second round, no ambush. I'm getting a little anxious as I keep on trudging toward the exit. I reach it... and the normal mission complete plays and I'm bounced back to mission select. I won. I could hardly believe it but I won. Unfortunately I didn't get anything special though as this was before you were guaranteed the sigil for the first kill.

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