Yeah, it's a shame that wind farms are messing with whales. I hadn't heard that about blue whale jaws, very interesting.
There is a good book by Tom Mustill called "How to Speak Whale". It covers quite a bit of ceracean communication. It talks a bit about the work Roger Payne as well, which I believe we talked a out awhile back.
Seriously!! My reading list's growth is badly outpacing my reading speed. I don't see this problem going away either. It's the same with podcasts, I download at least 5x more podcasts than what actually get around to listening to. I'm looking forward to a good AI audio podcast summary tool.
Yeah, An Immense World is definitely a great one. It's still one of the best I've read in the last couple of years. I'd go for it over How To Speak Whale just for its well roundedness, it really made me think differently about the various ways different species may be experiencing the world.