Star Trek Origins: The Birth of Khan
Between the vomitous word salad, shitting himself live on air during the debate, and swinging to music for the better part of an hour, it'd take whole minutes to tell he'd had an incident. Precious minutes
I think the joke is that the "musician" doesn't recognize sheet music, hence the incredulous look from the conductor
Considering his mental decline in the last four years, in ~~2028~~ 2024, he will only be able to get on a stage and shit himself. And people will still vote for him.
I recently rewatched the video of the UN assembly laughing to his face. Insanity that he's still respected as any kind of statesman
The big yellow one is the sun!
Sad that we have already had to endure him for a longer period of time than separates us now from 2032
What about his diaper?
Good thing Arlington is in Virginia then.. Oh wait, fucking youngkin
So did Set macfarlane, it's called "The Orville" and it's amazing