
joined 2 years ago
[–] HRDS_654 33 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You are not wrong, I don't know where the other poster got their information, but Republicans almost always destroy the economy and the Democrats (kind of) fix it just in time to be blamed for the economy being bad.

[–] HRDS_654 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

NGL, I'm more scared of Vance than Trump.

[–] HRDS_654 1 points 3 months ago

As FD Signifier said, put on your clown shoes.*

[–] HRDS_654 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Bold of you to assume your vote will matter in the future.

[–] HRDS_654 44 points 3 months ago

Spoiler alert, it won't. They were already alienating their base by playing the "both sides" card.

[–] HRDS_654 12 points 3 months ago

The shame is that they won't care. These people will just find another scapegoat and punt the ball down the line.

[–] HRDS_654 6 points 3 months ago

That's just it, I'm a white male, I know I'll be comparatively fine. It's not really me I'm worried about.

[–] HRDS_654 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

It already well on it's way depending on your province. People have moved out of Quebec because of the intolerance going on there. Hell, I know a streamer who moved because someone threw a fucking brick through their window at his wife who moved there from the USA. Not because she's black or colored either, because she's white as a piece of paper.

[–] HRDS_654 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It's not just that, people are acting like things are better in other countries. Like, name ONE country that has not gone off the deep end and ended up on the right recently. One major player. I'll wait. There is no utopia waiting for you in those other countries because they don't want you there and acting like you will be accepted as a refugee is foolhardy. The USA is a shit show right now, but we also don't know the future. It looks bleak right now because of the information we have RIGHT NOW. If you want to move out of the country, be my guest, but don't act like it's going to automatically be better, it's just going to be a different kind of shit show.

[–] HRDS_654 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

Aight, I am going to say that I misused left when I mean liberal in some places so I have edited it.

They haven't done that... Yet. As FD Signifier said, "you can't out-right the right". Democrats screwed themselves in many ways this election such as letting Biden hang onto his candidacy when he was unpopular and not communicating their plans to the public as much as they should have, and because of how fresh it is everyone is looking for someone, or some group, to blame. At the risk of defending Harris, which I'm not because I didn't like a lot of what she said, she really only had 100 days to actually put together a campaign. Trump has been campaigning since he left office.The truth is that this has been a long time coming and the American failure to recognize that is was ACTUALLY led to this. Well, that and the fact that Harris was a black woman. Racism and misogyny hard carried this election term in addition to the unpopular policies Harris proposed. As unpopular as those policies were though, the number don't show that the policies are what lost her the election.

I also blame this on left leaning influencers AND news sites because they spent more time making fun of Trump than actually saying anything to convince the right to vote for Harris. Again, I'm not even saying that I agreed with Harris, but she would have been better for a LOT of minority people than we know Trump is. Laughing at Trump working a closed down McDonald's is one thing, but they didn't do much else. This is the reason I'm kind of done with the online liberals in general. They spend so much time making fun of people that they don't realize we need people on the left to be in positions of power before things can change in a meaningful way. And they need to actually EDUCATE people. Not just tell them "how it is", but tell them WHY it is. The liberal media got cocky and so they contributed to Trump winning. They never brought up that he was a felon, a rapist, or attempted a coup. Nothing.

[–] HRDS_654 8 points 3 months ago

It is almost always the non-voters that are the problem. In this case it was a combination of demographics that just chose not to vote at all which led to Trump winning.

[–] HRDS_654 4 points 3 months ago

I wish I could argue with you.


Preamble: I'm doing this because I have some feelings I need to get out of my head for my own mental health, and thusly I am just as guilty of doing what I am condemning in this post. Also, I started writing this before fully thinking it through so if it seems like my post doesn't follow the title exactly that is why.

Pretty much as the title says, I truly believe humanity in general was never meant to know, or let others know, everything that happens in their life good or bad. The reason for this is that it is impossible to explain nuance with just words, you need verbal and/or face to face communication to adequately explain to people situations in your life. Just saying something bad happened to you on the internet doesn't really explain to people how bad it was to people. You know what does let people know how bad of a situation you are in is? Having an emotional breakdown. It's ugly, and terrifying to most people, and it should be because it lets people know you are going through real shit.

People can discount and simplify horrible actions on the internet without adequately experiencing the pain of the victim. They can easily ignore proof, or add what they think is context, but is actually just an excuse to victim blame. It's easy to logically, or illogically in some cases, explain things away without taking into account how the person in the horrible situation felt. This is not me trying to victim blame, but it is me trying to say that victims having easy access to a place to post their trauma to the world without having access to proper care does not really help them in the long run, and can in fact make things worse. Yes, I am aware how loaded "proper care" is, but that is not point of this post. I do think people need to "vent" (I'm simplifying extremely here because victims do not simply "vent") their feelings for their own mental health, I just do not think that doing so to random strangers on the internet who are not interested in listening is in the best interest of anyone who needs to vent. Most people on the internet just want to "solve" the problem. They want the problem to go away. That's about it. I will not go into it here because this post is already long enough, but the other side is that people were also not meant to ingest random people's trauma.

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