joined 2 years ago
[–] HC4L 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

No worries, it's cool that you care!

Yeah, I really love that idea. I use none of the Marantz' online functions, streaming radio costs money anyway and I just want full control on the platform I choose. Als the app used to control it is said to be bad. Same as with my TV, I need a monitor with a remote and I'll make it smart by adding a PC. That way I can change out whatever I want and not rely on 1 device. We're a dying breed ;)

[–] HC4L 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Thanks for taking the time to reply! I had forgotten about this post and made quite the journey. Long story short, a lot of receivers did not physically fit in my TV closet. I ended up with a cheap Marantz M-CR510 for 130 Euro's that fit perfectly and two Teufel Ultima 40s. The Marantz is hooked up through optical to the TV and it takes analog from the CD player.

Probably not everyone's first or second choice but it suits my needs.

Now looking for a matching Marantz CD player ;)

[–] HC4L 5 points 1 month ago

Yep, wasn't as overpriced back then though.

[–] HC4L 28 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Can you be a bit more clear on what you mean by failing?

I've met my girlfriend on Tinder and had some nice dates / hookups because of it. Are 98% of the women not intetested because of my average looks and being overweight? Sure, but it's the 2% that made wit worthwhile. Tinder was getting more expensive depending on your age back then but I think I would use an app again if I needed to.

I've met some people that I would otherwise never have met, made some rich corporation even richer in the process.. 🤷

[–] HC4L 3 points 1 month ago

You mean stuff like chiptuning? People do that all the time?

[–] HC4L 1 points 1 month ago

Great deal on a great game!

[–] HC4L 1 points 1 month ago

"Het laatste wat je wil is dat je in een strijd terechtkomt die alleen maar om geld gaat", aldus Tuinman.

Erg naïef dat je verwacht dat iemand dit werkt doet enkel vanuit idealen. Als het salarisverschil te groot is dan doe je toch iets niet goed.

[–] HC4L 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hi! Thanks for your reply.

Due to my livingroom set-up I will be sticking to stereo yes. Would there be any safer options with that conversion when choosing optical or HDMI or is it really up to the receiver?

I will check them out, haven't come across them on the second-hand market here in Europe but I will check out their site.

CD/Music playback will be through RCA on the receiver so that should not give problems I hope. At least I'm not bound to variable output CD-players anymore so I can finally move into the 90's CD-player wise ;) Movies are usually Blurays through the 'ole PS4 so we'll so how that goes.


Hi guys,

Currently I'm running a 15 year old Sony TV with two Behringer Truth 2031's over RCA. I've added a Denon DCD-810 to that mix with a simple RCA switch to either listen to CD's over the speakers or my TV. The setup is somewhat clunky, I have to power on each speaker manually and walk over to the RCA switch to choose between TV or CD's. Since I've already had the speakers and the TV this was a very cheap way to go and I don't mind the extra steps. I am bound by CD players with variable outputs because of this, hence the 35 year old CD player which has it's disadvantages.

Now being realistic my TV is getting old, it's only 40 inches and I want it replaced in the coming years. Looking at modern TV's they don't seem to have RCA out for audio, just optical and HDMI as options. My plan was to get a nice second hand receiver and a nice pair of second-hand stereo speakers.

Doing a bit of reading HDMI for audio seems to be the superior option. My big question is, in what way is an older receiver future proof for all the different technologies? I would probably need a receiver that is 4k capable and whatever protocols I might need. Will optical out really give me a big disadvantage over HDMI? And if I would use HDMI on the receiver what technologies would it have to support?

Sorry for the long story!

[–] HC4L 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I know this one!

[–] HC4L 6 points 2 months ago

Nobody assumed that, but you still haven't answered the question..

[–] HC4L 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

He looks like Kramer..

[–] HC4L 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

What region are you from and what games do you play? Because playing Counter Strike as a European gets me in contact with a lot of Eastern European players and lord have I seem some shit on those profiles.

submitted 7 months ago by HC4L to c/budgetaudiophile


I own a Denon DCD-810 which plays mostly fine. I've cleaned the lens, changed the belt and cleaned / greased the rails and gears on this thing and it can play hours without a hitch.

Now I notice that certain CD's skip sometimes. Nothing is physically damaged with the CD's themselves (as far as I can see). The skipping is not always on the same moments but seem to concentrate more on the first few tracks. Although that might also be my perception because usually I just throw in a different CD when the skipping starts.

So having playing Purple Haze for the third time now in a row I started out with skipping and now it plays almost flawlessly. The player has already been playing for more that an hour before so no cold components as far as I know. I can find no relation between the skipping CD's in age. Old or new both can be jerky.

Does anyone know what could cause skipping on certain CD's while others play fine for hours on end? I accept my DCD-810 being a fossil as a valid answer ;)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by HC4L to c/sysadmin

Hey guys,

Because of the unclear nature of Sharepoint folder permissions we want to make an export to Excel of each folder and the appropriate rights. Explicit rights only is fine but everything together is also fine.

Having tried and tested for hours I cannot seem to find a working script. Using outdated functions, random errors, etc.

Does anyone know a working script for this? A commercial solution (that does nog charge 4000$per year) is also fine. This is becoming an expensive headache for me.

I have already tried all the usual Google hits as well as ChatGPT. None seem to work but also not work with modern authentication when connecting to Sharepoint using Powershell for example which leads me to suspect they are too old.


Hey guys,

We are struggling with our Azure joined machines used by multiple people during the day. Each time they log on to a new machine we get a helpdesk call for us to set up OneDrive / Sharepoint libraries synchronization in the client.

We know Intune can do this but Intune settings can take up to 8 hrs to propagate by which the user has already called us. This takes too long.

I've made a support call with Microsoft which has been open for a month now with what I think is a fairly straight forward question but they keep telling me they' re discussing this with their team.

Is there a scenario that sets these settings instantly that minimizes helpdesk calls? Or is this made for 1 user per device scenario's? Apart from reinstating on-prem DC's and whatnot ;)

Hope you guys can point me somewhere because Microsoft doesn't seem to..


We are facing constant problems with the desktop apps in O365, wheter it's RDS servers that somehow are Azure joined by a user from login 1001 errors to modern authentication Windows that automatically disappear or other generic error 1001 logon bullshit. We have a tome of registry bullshit with shit like EnableADAL to deleting the AAD appx folder from the user profile and/or reinstalling it through Powershell and so it goes on.. usually dicking around with these settings will make it magically work for a few weeks..

The amount of time this costs us and our customers is truly staggering, are we the only shop facing this?

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