Yeah, so what do I do now? Maybe I will stick a note on the cover before sending it back to Goodwill
Yes! You Nailed it!!
So for common folk like myself, what do I need to do? I used Authy for a few sites. Can a bad actor pretending to be me now get access to those sites?
They already have, no?
There has always been a pretty large gap between Perez and Max in terms of performance. It's been speculated that it is more a matter of the competition's cars getting faster than Perez's performance declining. They have found a way to catch up with Red Bull car and only Max's skill is keeping them ahead.
Perez failed to make it past the first qualifying round, finishing 16th, while his teammate, Max, grabbed the number two spot for tomorrow's race.
Cool ceiling tile
That's always been my argument, revoke citizenship and deport anyone caught hiring illegal aliens. But that's not what any of this is really about.
Midnight train to georgia?
City of New Orleans - Steve Goodman?
It did, a quick search turns up a dedicated bombing campaign using zepplins. Who would have thought!
I should have mentioned:
This is the first time I separated all the pieces by color/region before assembly and I was amazed at how much faster it went together.
Instead of doing the edges first I started at the center (lighthouse) and followed with the trees and sky. This allowed me to keep the top of the puzzle closer to me and push it away as I worked my way down to the sea. I found this reduced the time I usually spent standing, hunched over the puzzle. I am amazed it took me 40 years of jigsaws to figure this out.
The sea and rocks took way longer than I thought. It was brutal.