
joined 2 years ago
[–] Grumpydaddy 2 points 3 weeks ago

Hopefully KC will be battling the same issues

[–] Grumpydaddy 1 points 1 month ago

Funny: I disliked the Mars trilogy and enjoyed the Silo trilogy.

[–] Grumpydaddy 3 points 1 month ago

Neither did Vegas!

[–] Grumpydaddy 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Italian McDonalds!

Network server/NAS (self.selfhosted)
submitted 2 months ago by Grumpydaddy to c/selfhosted

I need some advice, or at least pointers on where to go to learn more. I have been considering adding some type of backup to my network. Here is what I would like to be able to do:

  1. Primarily, back up my devices, whether that be desktops, laptops, or mobile, preferably automatically, regardless of OS. I have Windows, android, and Linux in the house and would like to have the devices automatically back themselves up each night.

  2. Possibly stream audio, video, and images (images to a photo frame would be cool).

  3. any cool other stuff I may imagine such as more server type stuff like home automation, password vault, and anything else applicable that I haven't thought of yet. I currently have a RaspberryPi 4 running Pihole. I know I could easily add more services to this device if needed.

So I was thinking of getting a 4 bay NAS but a dedicated Synology box is going to cost me at least a grand. Would I get more flexibility AND save money by buying a N100 machine? Would this give me a machine that can be both a server AND a NAS? Can I duplicate the Synology software with FOSS? I don't know much about NAS boxes but they seem expensive for what you get.

I have no plans to expose this to the internet so security is perhaps less important to me.

Thanks in advance and please add whatever you advice or comments you may have about the best way to set this up. Again, the system is designed primarily as backup but it would be nice for it to be able to other things as well. Backing up the mobile devices is of prime concern and I'm not sure how that would be accomplished regardless of what direction I take, so any info on that would be helpful.


[–] Grumpydaddy 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Beautiful work!

[–] Grumpydaddy 2 points 3 months ago

How the heck do you complete two 1,000 piece puzzles in less than an hour and a half?

[–] Grumpydaddy 4 points 4 months ago

"You and I have memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead" is such a simple yet powerful lyric that captures how I feel about my relationship with my wife. Knowing we have more time in the past then what is left for us in the future is both amazing and daunting. Realizing how many great memories we made through those years. All of that captured in one line of one of their lesser songs. But, if they aren't your cup of tea, that's cool too.

[–] Grumpydaddy 7 points 4 months ago (1 children)

My favorite way of shooting myself in the foot.

[–] Grumpydaddy 6 points 4 months ago

Stocks also represent a company's net asset value. So, unlike crypto, a shareholder would be compensated by the sale of a company's assets in the event of its liquidation. Crypto has no such safety net.

[–] Grumpydaddy 1 points 4 months ago
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Grumpydaddy to c/phillies

The boys bounced back in game two, overcoming a red hot Mets team in what I think is probably the best game I've ever seen. How do they stack up against the Mets pitching as the series moves to NY? I think we get one more good pitching effort from our starter with Nola; can the Mets say the same, or will they be easier to hit off of tonight?

[–] Grumpydaddy 4 points 4 months ago (3 children)

This is the first photo I've seen of an owl that doesn't look mad as hell and ready to rip your face off.

[–] Grumpydaddy 46 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I vote with my wallet. I don't buy games that have scummy conditions or requirements. There are too many other choices out there to justify supporting companies who treat their customers poorly.


Despite a great showing by Wheeler, the Mets seemed to be able to hit anything the bullpen threw them. It was crazy how efficient NY suddenly became. Meanwhile, our bats stayed pretty quiet all night. I hope the Phillies bats wake up in game two.

Go Phil's!

how the heck does FM work,? (self.askelectronics)

Kind of an ELI5, but I tune a radion into a specific frequency to listen to a station. If that frequency is constantly being modulated (changed), how is the radio not going in and out of tune? I expect it is finding a way to measure multiple frequencies around the tuned station and decodes the data from it's deviation from the tuned frequency?


Anyone have any advice regarding my design? I'm figuring on playing older titles mostly so I think the 6 action buttons are more than enough to play on. That will allow me to map an A, B, X, Y, L1, L2 for console games. On the top row I can place a Select (player), Start (coin) as well as a hotkey button. That leaves me with an extra button at the top if anyone can think of what I can use it for. Also, I'm planning on one button on either side for a poor man's pinball machine.

I figured I'd ask here before mocking it up in case I missed anything.


I'm trying to understand what's happening in this circuit:

I------------------T1 (+333V)
I                 I
I                 R1(10K)
(pos)             I
1000V             I------------gnd (0V)
(neg)             I
I                 R2(10K)
I                 I
I                 IT2(-333V)
I                 I
I                 R3(10K)
I                 I
I-----------------IT3 (-666.7V)

I am learning basic DC theory from reading and sometimes I come across something I'd like to ask a question about, so:

  1. In the above circuit, without the ground, the voltage across all components would begin at 10V and finish at 0V. By adding a ground, I'm basically saying "here is 0V" and everything gets redefined in reference to that point and I end up with a 10 volt circuit with +3.33 as it's highest voltage and -6.667 as it's lowest.

  2. The electrons could care less, they still flow from the anode to the cathode of the battery under normal conditions, going from the highest potential to the lowest.

  3. This example was only used to demonstrate voltage dividers. It revolved around worker protection present in aluminum processing. Each machine is in series and mobile grounds are used nearest the machine a worker is using. I assume that this allows the worker to have the least exposure to electrical shock as they are also at ground potential?

I actually think working though these questions has cleared everything up, but please, comment on anything I got wrong.

Also, sorry about the crappy drawing, the autowrap in this editor really made things tough to format


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