I think you might want to read the whole post.
As someone whose home instance is LW, this is not a good idea. Like, at all. I suggest at least hosting some kind of poll, chances are if people disagree they'll just make a second community on this instance or another one regardless.
inside you there are two wolves
I read the title in Joel's voice
I love how the copyright text just devolves into insanity the more you read it
Man, people really hate Christmas.
isn't half of programming just committing various sins though
they put it in the whale. that is how docker transports things and you cannot change my mind.
It was proposed as a badge, but it originally comes from https://blog.codinghorror.com/the-works-on-my-machine-certification-program/amp/
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"gender pronouns" has the same energy as some old man on a rocking chair on his front porch saying "you know… one of those cellular-type phones"