
joined 1 year ago
[–] GreyGrey 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The main DF content I watch is Kruggsmash, but I doubt that counts as obscure

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

awesome I'm in! 😀

[–] GreyGrey 5 points 1 year ago

Unpopular opinion time: the whole indica/hybrid/sativa is mostly just leftover broscience that is more often than not just used as an additional marketing ploy. I think a lot of people have convinced themselves it matters, but if they actually tried their strains blind they would find the "up" vs "down" strains would align with the "sativa" vs "indica" BS about as accurately as just guessing.

[–] GreyGrey 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Maybe it's just me. I've had a few strains of flower in various ratios of THC:CBD that were pretty good to smoke, but in dabs I've yet to try anything "high CBD" that didn't taste off-putting. All my CBD concentrates have been from Oregon dispos.

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Thanks! I'm sorry you're dealing with similar pain, it's exhausting. Hopefully you find some relief soon.

I don't remember what each of the assisted stretches were, but the one that was the most magical was literally just me lying prone on the table while he put both hands way low on my back/hips and just leaned his weight into them in the right way. There was another where I was on my back and would rotate my hips as though i was going to lie on my side, but kept my shoulders on the ground. The leg on the outside of the rotation was bent at the knee, and he would assist.

I've had my partner attempt both about a million times and it's nice, but it's not the same as when my PT did it. That goes for most of the other stretches and massage too, even the exercise was better when he was involved because he could correct my form and explain what was being worked and why.

The fact that he understood the physiology so well meant he knew exactly how to manipulate the muscles, tendons, nerves, etc and which stretches to recommend based on my physiology and injury etc.

I'm sure everyone's experience will be different, but an experienced PT absolutely helped me for that particular pain and I definitely recommend looking into it.

[–] GreyGrey 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I suffered through extreme sciatic pain for a bit over a year, was walking with a cane at the worst points. Finally got in to a good PT and within a few days I no longer needed a cane. A few weeks and I was running daily with basically no pain.

I think I did 8 weekly sessions (and at home stretches & exercise) and it has basically stayed gone for the last few years except for when I go too long between my regular runs.

The best part of the PT was the massage and the assisted stretches that put pressure on my low back "opening the hips" fuck those were amazing.

[–] GreyGrey 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There are 1:1 & CBD concentrates, tho I've never had one that tasted good. Every dab I've tried w/ CBD tastes icky (I swear they all taste like weed mixed with Pepto Bismol)

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago

Almost the exact same experience here.

[–] GreyGrey 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Finally bought in via Dynavap and after a few days of fiddling with it I was sold.

Back in 2020 I finally switched from smoking cigarettes to an e-cig, and the switch is very similar to that. Going thru that experience made it much easier to accept that initially the hits would feel unsatisfying but it doesn't feel that way for long.

I have zero desire for smoking cigarettes anymore - the flavor is gross and harsh. Its already looking like I'll eventually feel the same about smoking herb. I still smoke a social joint or bowl on occasion but now that vaping gives me the taste of the herb with no harsh, I just prefer it.

Way easier on the wallet too.

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yes it's intense, it's definitely the quickest route to onset and intensity of effect (which is great for someone like me who uses primarily for medical reasons). If smoking flower is like drinking a beer, dabs are like doing shots. Absolutely the best taste, too. Doing them regularly will fuck your tolerance though, and mostly ruined me on the taste of smoking.

If you're primarily into flower and not a heavy user i would try dry-herb vaping flower instead of smoking it, I highly recommend it. Finally got on the Dynavap train and can't say enough good things about it. Super efficient (I'm still in awe of this), you can taste your herb instead of smoke, waaaay easier on lungs & throat (I've never coughed on a hit). Amazing for microdosing & working your way up to your preferred high too.

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago

That's good to know! My sesh homie is the e-rig guy & my opinion is based purely on using his & others' e-rigs, not owning & maintaining one. I believe his favorites are the Proxy and the XS

[–] GreyGrey 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm not generally a fan of e-rigs but of the ones I've tried (peak, peak pro, proxy, switch, boost evo, xs, I don't remember which others), the Boost is my favorite and the only one that I've seriously considered buying for myself.

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