The best time was 100 years ago. The second-best time is now.
Don't sue YouTube. They wrote the dictionary!
That's not a bad faith joke. That is an educated person encouraging their partner to do better, gently, with humor.
But that's the perfect cover, maaaaan!
Hell yeah baby. Wanna meet Papa November?
Why makeup? The Nixon-Kennedy debates in 1960. Why is it so bad? Because anyone who professionally applies makeup knows this dude isn’t on their side.
It was discussed chapter by chapter. And we watched the movie version after for good measure.
That was 5th grade for me. I still wonder what that teacher was thinking.
Lyndon LaRouche. I'd occasionally run across a few of his minions out leafletting and they oozed that culty wacko vibe.
That's a stanchion.
There is no shame in fighting the hard fight and losing anyway. And there is nothing but honor in picking up the broken pieces and carrying on.
Nobody can do better than the best they can do in that moment. I hope you find freedom and peace from the woulda shoulda couldas.