I like the cut of your jib.
She deserves nothing less for spelling it as “weening”.
This hole was made for me. DRR DRR
Some stay dry and others feel the pain. Chocolate rain!
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his fundraising ability and political power depends upon his not understanding it.
The stars at night Are big and bright Clapclapclapclap Cause we got rolling blackouts
Such an insightful commentary on the importance of the social contract and the irreplacibility of the individual. The only way forward is to share our personal experiences and strive for understanding. Once we know each other's value, we will never surrender our common bonds, disappoint one another, go behind each other's backs, nor do each other harm.
Well, it’s based on the books to about the same degree as “Starship Troopers” was based on its book. Not that this should stop you from enjoying it.
A great book, but it certainly includes a lot of invented vocabulary to deal with, and the reader is expected to just roll with it and sort the vocabulary out on their own.
The title is describing D’Souza as an apologist and convicted felon. Which he is: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/news/press-releases/dinesh-dsouza-sentenced-in-manhattan-federal-court-to-five-years-of-probation-for-campaign-finance-fraud
Abortions don’t just fall out of the sky. First trimester abortions are in the 300-900 range, and second trimester round about 1k-2k. Just comparing the raw cost of the procedure and omitting opportunity costs from recovery time and additional cost from complications, rubbers are real cheap.