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[–] GojuRyu 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We have something similar although only in certain dialects of danish. The following is a valid sentence meaning the island in the river: æ ø i æ å

[–] GojuRyu 24 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Ø - the 27th letter of the danish alfabet
Ø - the danish word for island

[–] GojuRyu 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah I recognized the german as being equivalent to the danish bjørnetjeneste, which also means bear service or slightly more accurately a bear favor.

[–] GojuRyu 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Trump has in short ordered all mentions of scientifically accurate information on gender and sexuality removed from government websites.

[–] GojuRyu 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The South Schleswig Danish minority have been mentioned in every new year’s speech I can remember. It’s basically part of acknowledging everyone who feels ties to the kingdom of Denmark. Near the german border there is a danish minority in Germany and a german minority in Denmark. And to my understanding as someone not living near there it is a respected cultural thing on both sides. It is not something about laying claim to it. In this particular speech the very next sentence is about the king and queen feeling just what you quoted during their visit those places that year and how they are looking forward to visiting the Faroese islands. For context the king was crowned in 2024 so this was commentary on the first royal visit of the new reagents.

[–] GojuRyu 2 points 2 months ago

As others have pointed out they have valid grievances and good reason to want independence. As a dane I only learned about the non-consensual and secretive implantation of UID’s in women and girls that had been going on a few decades ago. Learning about that and other systemic issues they have dealt with I can not begrudge them wanting independence. Whether they seek it or decide to stay, I hope they have a brighter future ahead of them and that Denmark will support that as best we are able.

[–] GojuRyu 3 points 2 months ago

I get that non-violent crime has a specific meaning in law, but calling the selling of children, causing massive psychological damage non-violent really rubs me the wrong way. Not a criticism of you but of the system that conciders it non-violent just because it was done with the stroke of a pen instead of the wave of a gun.

[–] GojuRyu 3 points 2 months ago

Dave McKeegan isn’t who offered to fund a flat earther. He was himself funded by the guy who arranged the whole thing, same as the flat earther was. Dave McKeegan was simply a prominent debunker with skills as a photographer who accepted to take part in this venture.

[–] GojuRyu 4 points 4 months ago

They basically did the same thing the Satanic Temple often does. Use the rules republicans make thinking only they will benefit. When they are used by the other side as well it has a funny way of causing a reevaluation of if it should in fact be legal after all. My understanding is that CAH made a sort of parody of Musks trick although doing it in a slightly more careful way to make sure that any legal action against them would apply more broadly. I don’t think it’s good that vote buying is a thing, but equating the satirical protest campaign with the actual thing being pushed against is unfair in my opinion. You can argue if they go about it the right way or not but legitimizing the original offense by pointing out people cheered at the counter campaign opposing musk using the same tool and humor feels disingenuous.

[–] GojuRyu 16 points 4 months ago (1 children)

If you look her up you will see that this is one of her more tame takes unfortunately. At least this is not about her views on women’s place in marriage or the rights a husband supposedly has to their wives body, regardless of consent. I can’t help but feel a little sad for her though. From her recounting of her life it sounds like she married a man she didn’t love because that’s what she was supposed to do. After over a decade of miserable marriage she broke and saw it as her duty to be servile in all things to a man she was never really attracted to and convinced herself that happiness is to live that submissive life in deference to a man in all things. If it was the story of someone who got out and found a life outside those oppressive beliefs it would be a cautionary tale, but she sees it as the recipe for a good biblical life.

[–] GojuRyu 3 points 5 months ago

Yeah I was very ready to disagree with it being most people as that is far from my experience. I also come from one of those northern european countries that others describe as cold and closed of because we have a much more introvert aligned culture. And the fact that I’m someone who gets drained probably also biases my sample to more like minded people.

[–] GojuRyu 3 points 5 months ago

Jeg er mest til co-op strategispil. Jeg synes meget godt om spil som Pandemic, Zombicide og elder sign. Der er dog også Small world og Arkham Horror som altid er godt selvom det ikke lige frem er co-op som regel.


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