God this is boring...
I think it could have been worse. It's still early. He could be playing coy too. Rope a dope. Build Trump up with confidence to light him up closer to the end. I don't think that is necessarily the case, but it's a possible strategy. Trump did not look better in my eyes. Biden did not look bad. He did say something whacky. But his composure is much more impressive than Trump's. Trump couldn't even answer a question he was asked 4 times.
I don't think it's a measurement of any sort of decision making. I have taken a course in public speaking. People freeze. Or respond differently to a quiet room when there should be an audience. His performance as president is better than Trump's ever will be. It does not measure intelligence. A great public speaker can inspire, but it's one debate. Trump came out looking like a liar and a little boy in a suit. Plus he is a felon rapist. There is nothing that makes me think his "snapshot" is any better than Biden's.
I just don't judge people solely on what the camera captures. It's called critical thinking by most accounts.
You mean I take more information than just a debate to make a decision?
He's still a rapist. So there's that.
Real maple syrup is better. Fight me.
Life isn't fair. It's even less fair when you are poor or ugly.
All empires have shifts in power. It wouldn't surprise me. But historically it's not unheard of. I would prefer preventing that, but I am just one person.
He is. He probably thinks he's smarter than everyone else acting it out too.
Brando. It's what plants crave!
It's a right wing battle cry to inspire division
Movie Thanos has one of the most relevant back stories in all of action films. He saw the universe as a burden amongst itself and with his order he can save it from itself. Most people relate to this. Even consider it a hero's journey in many games. But what his actions are with this perspective in mind is what makes him a villain. And one of the reasons I think he is up there with Darth Vader or The Joker. A good villain makes the heroes win even better.