Sounds pretty dramatic. With the new cycle the way it is, it will be forgotten in a month.
joined 2 years ago
His base will embrace it. The question is will the center. I know I am not, as a centrist. But I only speak for myself.
How the fuck would I know? You can't accept that people know that he's desperate and did this same shtick at WrestleMania lol
One of the news outlets reported that. But nevermind reading what is actually written.
Because the person that put blood on his hair
That doesn't make it ok. It also is even more of a reason to stop him.
I don't see any chunk missing.
He also was already in WrestleMania and has knowledge on how to fake it.
I'm sure they didn't think of that...
I think that is word for word what Johnson said. And he hated Kennedy.