
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Data protection policies might be different, as well. ProtonMail, for example, uses end-to-end encryption for email bodies, but does not encrypt metadata, which includes the sender, recipient, and the rest of the email headers.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Glad it's working! Couple more quick ideas:

Since you're looping through the results of find, $file_path will be a single path name, so you don't need to loop over it with for images in $file_path; anymore.

I think you're checking each field of the results in its own if statement, e.g. if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}')... then if [[ $(echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $2}')... etc. While I don't think this is hurting performance significantly, it would make your code easier to read and maintain if you first found the correct date, and then did only one comparison operation on it.

For example, exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path" returns five columns, which contain either a date or "-", and it looks like you're using the first column that contains a valid date. You can try something like this to grab the first date more easily, then just use that from then on:

FIRST_DATE=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$file_path" | tr -d '-' | awk '{print $1}')

tr -d '-' will delete all occurrences of '-'. That means the result will only contain whitespace and valid dates, so awk '{print $1}' will print the first valid date. Then you can simply have one if statement:

if [[ "$FIRST_DATE" != '' ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -gt $start_range ]] && [[ "$FIRST_DATE" -lt $end_range ]]; then

Hope this helps!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (6 children)

I have not tested this, but I have a couple ideas off the top of my head.

#1 - Retrieve all fields with a single exiftool command. e.g. ALL_DATES=$(exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate "$filename")

Then retrieve individual fields from $ALL_DATES with something like awk. e.g. echo $ALL_DATES | awk '{print $1}' will return the first field (DateTimeOriginal), and changing that to '{print $2}' will return the second field (CreateDate).

#2 - Perhaps process multiple files with a single exiftool call. e.g. exiftool -m -d '%Y%m%d' -T -DateTimeOriginal -CreateDate -FileModifyDate -DateAcquired -ModifyDate ~/Pictures/*. You might compare whether running just this exiftool query once vs running it in a loop takes a significantly different amount of time. If not, it's probably simpler to use one call per file.

Edit: I doubt the either find or globbing will use a significant amount of time, however, the issues you have with find and spaces in file names can be worked around by using find's -print0 option. This prints out file paths separated by NUL bytes (i.e. ASCII value 0). You can then loop through them without needing to guess when whitespace is part of the path vs a delimiter. A common way of dealing with this is to pipe the output of find into xargs like so: find ~/Pictures -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -L 1 echo 'File path: '. That will execute echo 'File path: ' <file> for every file in your Pictures folder. It's a little more complicated. You can also use a for loop like so:

find ~/Pictures -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file_path; do
    echo "Processing: $file_path"

Note that when you pass a blank string with read -d '', it reads to a NUL char, as documented here: . I'm not 100% sure if this is true in older versions of Bash or other similar shells.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Looking over the Fastfox.js config, it looks like most settings fall into one of three categories:

  1. Subjective appearance of speed or responsiveness (perhaps at the expense of objectively-measurable load times)
  2. Experimental options that don't apply to all hardware or OSes (e.g. GPU acceleration)
  3. Settings that optimize performance at the expense of memory, CPU, or network usage (e.g. cache sizes and connection limits)

I don't see anything that makes me think Mozilla's defaults are unreasonable. It's not like Mozilla is leaving performance on the table, but rather that they chose a different compromise here and there, and use highly-compatible defaults. That said, it does seem like there is room for individual users to improve on the defaults — particularly if they have fast internet connections and lots of RAM.

For example:

// [NOTE] Lowering the interval will increase responsiveness
// but also increase the total load time.
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 100000); // (.10s); default=120000 (.12s)

This seems very much like a judgment call and I guess Firefox's defaults would actually have better objective load times and better benchmark scores. That doesn't mean it's objectively better, but it seems reasonable, at least.

// PREF: GPU-accelerated Canvas2D
// Use gpu-canvas instead of to skia-canvas.
// [WARNING] May cause issues on some Windows machines using integrated GPUs [2] [3]

// [NOTE] Higher values will use more memory.

Again, the defaults seem to make sense. Perhaps Mozilla could add an optimization wizard to detect appropriate settings for your hardware, and let the user select options like "maximize speed" vs "maximize memory efficiency". These are not one-size-fits-all settings.

Fastfox also disables a lot of prefetching options, which...seems counter to the goal of improving speed. Not really sure what to make of that.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

T-Mobile has gone nuts raising prices since the Sprint merger, even prices for plans they very loudly advertised as being locked in for life. See:

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago


Or just Sesame.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's a good card. Make sure you're running a kernel with up-to-date drivers.

I'm not super familiar with the GPU market in the UK. What other cards can you get for around that price? If you can get a 6800xt for cheap, it could be better.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Short answer: Enterprise bullshit and Adobe.

On the home computing side, I can't think of much that has specific OS requirements besides gaming and DRM'd 4K streaming. For better or worse, most desktop apps nowadays are glorified web sites. It's a different world today than it was 20 years ago.

On the enterprise side, nah. Way too many vendors with either no Linux support or shitty Linux support.

Microsoft is working hard to shove "New Outlook" down everyone's throats despite still not having feature parity with old Outlook. Nobody in my company will want to use it until it is forced because we need delegated and shared calendars to actually work. And then there's the "you can take my 80GB .pst files when you pry them from my cold dead hands" crowd. Advanced Excel users are not happy with the web version either, and I don't blame them.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Its gimmick was that it was compatible with Windows apps, and an easy transition for Windows users. It didn't really live up to that promise. Wine was not nearly as mature then as it is today, and even today it would be pretty bold to present any Linux distro as being Windows-compatible.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Not at all. But I want to see advertisers make some goddamn effort of their own, and accept some responsibility for the shitshow that they have created.

And until that happens, I'm certainly not going to feel bad about blocking ads across the board.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

That does nothing to deal with malware distribution, which has been a problem in pretty much every ad network. It does nothing to address the standard practice of making ads as obtrusive and flashy as possible.

I do not accept the premise that advertising is the only possible business model for quality web sites. History suggests the opposite: that it is a toxic business model that creates backwards incentives.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: This appears to have been fixed already with another backend update. Leaving the post below as-is.

Current version in the footer: UI: 0.19.0-rc.11 BE: 0.19.0-rc.10

Starting today, most image thumbnails and pictrs links will not load. I tried clearing cookies and I tried in three different browser engines (Firefox, Chromium, Safari).

If I try to open one of the image URLs directly in my browser, it shows {"error":"auth_cookie_insecure"}.

Interestingly, images will load correctly if I am NOT logged in. Why are the pictrs URLs even checking cookies when they do not require auth? Is that new behavior in this version of Lemmy?

Here is an example post:

And an example direct image URL from that post:

I am interested to know if others are seeing the same issue. I have not exhaustively tested different cookies settings in my browsers, so it's possible some anti-tracking privacy settings are interfering with this behavior.

Worth noting is that the Eternity app on my phone continues to work. I did not even need to log out and back in today, like I did in my browsers.


That is all.

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