
joined 1 year ago
[–] Gemini24601 8 points 6 months ago

I’ve checked it out, and it looks really good, sort of like arc browser. It’s very stylish, and since it’s Firefox-based, supports ublock origin. It’s obviously not finished yet though, so I’ll stay on Floorp until it reaches beta or stable. I’m totally switching once it gets there

[–] Gemini24601 1 points 6 months ago

They are not bad actually

[–] Gemini24601 23 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Invidious was created due to this, it’s an extremely light weight, ad free YouTube front-end. Most of YouTube’s attempts at blocking it out fixed within a week. Try it now:

[–] Gemini24601 13 points 6 months ago

Pro tip: use Firefox+ublock origin for no ads in any streaming platform Pro-er tip: sail the seven seas!

[–] Gemini24601 16 points 6 months ago

Better granpheneos I guess?

[–] Gemini24601 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Why is this so disliked? Is zoom platform bad?

[–] Gemini24601 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Chromium is technically open source, but yeah, screw Google chrome

[–] Gemini24601 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Neither are incorrect, that’s the point

[–] Gemini24601 59 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Open source will always be the best option, especially with a government supporting it! Imagine what government funding could do to accelerate improvements to Linux

[–] Gemini24601 4 points 7 months ago

No. 1 and no. 4 are both extremely relatable, the day always starts with good prospects, but ends with “what the heck happened!?”

[–] Gemini24601 7 points 7 months ago

Nothings wrong with a little ‘chan before reading SERN’s proprietary code


Explore Olathe and unmask its twisted secrets with LISA: The Definitive Edition, including the original narrative-driven RPG LISA: The Painful and its sequel LISA: The Joyful.


INDUSTRIA is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War. On the search for a missing work colleague, you decypher a dark past in a mysterious parallel dimension.

Sale ends 5/2/2024 at 10:00 AM


Step into the Town of Salem, a realm of Mystery and Deceit awaits! Join us in this thrilling online strategy game. Experience paranoia, taste triumph, and confront Murder in every move!


Hustle and grift your way across America in the ‘90s as a teenage con artist on a crime-filled road trip adventure!

Dead? (

It is possible that it is related to how Turkey has been flagging Linux software as malware.


Interesting, no?


This Inspiron One 2305 has corrupted graphics after coming out of suspend, this has happened with Gnome (Wayland), i3, less commonly Swaywm, almost everything I have suspended it with, and makes the computer unusable outside of a TTY. I am considering trying KDE next. What can be the issue here? I am currently using EndeavorOS.


Spotted in an ad for the PlayStation Portal on the PlayStation 5 Home Screen. ‘Remote player1?’

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Gemini24601 to c/technology

Everyone can agree on VLC being the best video player, right? Game developers can agree on it too, since it is a great utility for playing multimedia in games, and/or have a video player included. However, disaster struck; Unity has now banned VLC from the Unity Store, seemingly due to it being under the LGPL license which is a "Violation of section 5.10.4 of the Provider agreement." This is a contridiction however. According to Martin Finkel in the linked article, "Unity itself, both the Editor and the runtime (which means your shipped game) is already using LGPL dependencies! Unity is built on libraries such as Lame, libiconv, libwebsockets and websockify.js (at least)." Unity is swiftly coming to it's demise.

Edit: link to Videolan Blog Post:

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