
joined 2 years ago
[–] Gecko 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"X post" kinda also refers to "crosspost". I'd suggest to instead use "Twitter/X post". Otherwise, keep up the great work <3

[–] Gecko 6 points 1 year ago

Works for Firefox on Android. On iOS you can set Firefox Focus your "Content Blocker" which essentially is also just a weaker form of ad blocking.

[–] Gecko 35 points 1 year ago (17 children)

I just really dislike the whole left/right tribalism. Politics is a lot more complex than left/right and just marking someone as either just increases polarisation...

[–] Gecko 3 points 1 year ago

As someone running a Framework 13 with Fedora 38 with 1.5 fractional scaling using Wayland I cannot say I experienced the same issue. Everything kinda just worked out of the box.

Personally I couldn't go back from HiDPI screens. The lower resolution just makes stuff look blurry IMO.

[–] Gecko 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

(Bin kein Arzt) Kommt drauf an was du erwischt hast. Je ähnlicher dein Erreger zu der aktuell dominanten Variante war, desto höher der Immunschutz im Allgemeinen. Nachdem ich mal annehme, dass deine Erkrankung schon etwas her ist, empfiehlt sich das Auffrischen wahrscheinlich noch eher. Im Zweifelsfall sonst am Besten mit dem Hausarzt besprechen.

Als jemand der sich letztes Jahr im Herbst hat auffrischen lassen und dann an Corona erkrankt ist mit Symptomen die milder waren als jeder Schnupfen, während der Kollege der auch erkrankt ist und keine Auffrischung hatte, zwei Wochen lang ans Bett gefesselt war, werde ich mich auch dieses Jahr wieder auffrischen lassen. Das Risiko mehrere Tage auszufallen bzw. vielleicht sogar an long-covid zu erkranken, nehme ich lieber nicht in Kauf ^^

[–] Gecko 1 points 1 year ago

War bei uns auch so, wenn auch nicht ganz in dem Ausmaß wie im verlinkten Video. Nach dem obligatorischen KZ Besuch der Schulstufe, war dann aber auch ganz schnell wieder Schluss damit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[–] Gecko 1 points 1 year ago

I think the ability to retrofit existing vessels which I suppose is not easy task on its own is (was?) quite a limiting factor. Imagine you are a cargo company considering buying a new vessel, would you go for something that's proven to work or an experimental new technology that might might fail and could potentially cause massive loss down the line?

In the end, "nobody ever got fired for buying IBM".

[–] Gecko 1 points 1 year ago

yup, speeds are just reds that trigger earlier basically ^^

[–] Gecko 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

yeah, tunneling into your local network and then calling WoL from there is the way to go.

[–] Gecko 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Arguably what makes AV1 so attractive nevertheless is that it's royalty free.

[–] Gecko 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The OnlyFans account was part of an April Fools joke. They really should've shut it down soon after that though...


Just in time for Bionicle day, Essenger and Cryoshell did a collab on a new song <3

[–] Gecko 3 points 2 years ago

Yup, this. Started update via Gnome Software, walked away from my laptop to make some coffee, restarted when I came back and it was done. ^^

Reidak's Paradise (
submitted 2 years ago by Gecko to c/bioniclememes

Seems like someone at Respawn is up to something? 👀

submitted 2 years ago by Gecko to c/titanfall
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