"Under His eye".....
If only we could be wrong about that.
He's getting the three of them drooling and working harder than ever to be his bitch. None of them matter to him.
What a piece of sh1t he is. Dismissing lives with the ease of a psychopath with power.
Letitia is going to grab him by the pussy!
BloatNosey latest version might help ( I hope).
Bbbbbbb but, what about his freedom of speech!!!! I hope that he finds complete misery and hopelessness after the things he's done to those families.
If there's a case, we'll there's a case.
The Government, I. e. Ministers including the Prime Minister ignored concerns from their own Foreign Office that the weapons sold to Israel were being used to commit atrocities. Given the concerns, there is no easonable rationale can there be for those continued sales
You definitely don't want to read The Old Testament.
If nursing a patient with measles, there is a reason why gloves and hand hygine is still required. Medically, we consider the 97% effective as a population average besed upon "usual exposure". That means 3 in 100 vaccinated children are likely to contract measles this way. If your. local exposure is higher, then there are higher infection rates in that peer group. If you sit next to me for 5 mins you have one risk of exposure. If we are kids in a classroom together for several hours, then the transmission risk is higher. So yes, just like COVID, the higher the proportion of infective people and the longer the contact time the greater the risk of infection and also transmission.
Selective righteousness